Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 5667 naslova


theaters Leo (English)

Violently pursued by criminals who insist he's a former gangster, a humble cafe owner fights to shield his family — and the truth about his identity.
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theaters Leo (Hindi)

Violently pursued by criminals who insist he's a former gangster, a humble cafe owner fights to shield his family — and the truth about his identity.
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theaters Leo (Malayalam)

Violently pursued by criminals who insist he's a former gangster, a humble cafe owner fights to shield his family — and the truth about his identity.
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theaters Leo (Tamil)

Violently pursued by criminals who insist he's a former gangster, a humble cafe owner fights to shield his family — and the truth about his identity.
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theaters León i Olvido

León y Olvido

Mlada žena i njezin brat koji ima Downov sindrom balansiraju odgovornosti i slobodu pokušavajući se naviknuti na život nakon smrti roditelja.
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theaters Leptirov let

Flight Of The Monarch Butterfly

Ovaj prirodoslovni dokumentarac istražuje životni ciklus i jedinstveno dugu godišnju migraciju sjevernoameričkog leptira monarha.
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theaters Let It Snow

Fractured friendships, fledgling romances, a stranded pop star -- and an unforgettable party. Falling snow ushers in the unexpected.
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theaters Leur souffle

Their Breath

U ovom dokumentarcu pratimo sestru Bénédicte, mladu ženu koja se odlučila zarediti u benediktinskoj opatiji u Francuskoj.
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theaters Lewis Capaldi: Kako se sada osjećam

Lewis Capaldi: How I'm Feeling Now

Ovaj intiman dokumentarac daje nam duboki uvid u putovanje Lewisa Capaldija od ambicioznog tinejdžera s popularnim nastupom do zvijezde nominirane za Grammy.
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theaters Liberalna strast

A liberal passion

Ona je ljevičarka. On je nezainteresiran. Njihova ih je strast spojila, no može li im ona pomoći i da ostanu zajedno?
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theaters Libero

Novinar istražuje principijelnog proizvođača odjeće u Palermu koji je javno ustao protiv plaćanja zaštite Mafiji.
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theaters Licem u lice

Head to Head

Urnebes i opasnost idu ruku pod ruku kad zaljubljeni vozač i sumnjivi mehaničar pokupe umirovljenog zločinačkog vođu i nehotice završe na ludoj sudbononosnoj pustolovini.
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theaters Licem u lice: Razgovori s teroristom

Face to Face with ETA: Conversations with a Terrorist

Josu Urrutikoetxea, poznat i kao Josu Ternera, u iscrpnom intervjuu novinaru Jordiju Évoleu govori o svojem sudjelovanju u radu terorističke skupine ETA-e.
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theaters Life Behind the Stars

Kako zvijezde pomažu u održavanju života na Zemlji? Kozmičko zračenje moglo bi biti ključno u pronalasku povezanosti između nas i ostatka svemira.
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theaters Life in Outer Space

Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje buduće misije na Mars i najnovija otkrića koja upućuju na mogućnost postojanja života u Sunčevu sustavu i dalje.
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theaters Lift Like a Girl

With the guidance of her relentless coach, a teen weightlifter emerges from a scrappy training camp in Egypt to compete at the championship level.
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theaters Liga pravde

Justice League

They're the ultimate superhuman dream team. But saving the planet from this threat may be a tall order -- even for them.
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theaters Light in the Dark

A terrifying home invasion shatters a couple's happy family life and brings their marriage to the brink as painful fallout unfolds.
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theaters Lighthouse Lesvos

Ovaj dokumentarac slavi volontere koji dolaze na grčki otok Lezbos raditi s izbjeglicama, uglavnom iz Sirije, koje se iskrcavaju na njegove kamenite obale.
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theaters Lignja i kit

The Squid and the Whale

This insightful drama looks at the crumbling marriage between a self-centered novelist -- whose career is waning -- and his up-and-coming writer wife.
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theaters Lijek

The Medicine

Uz djecu i nezahvalan posao, sada se mora nositi i s razvodom. Sudjelovanje u kliničkim ispitivanjima čini se kao odmor.
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