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ondemand_video Delicious in Dungeon

Zmajevi, tamnice i... slastan čudovišni gulaš?! Pustolovi se upute u ukleto zakopano kraljevstvo kako bi spasili prijatelja i usput zakuhaju nevolje.
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ondemand_video Mrtvi dječaci detektivi

Dead Boy Detectives

Two teen ghosts work alongside a clairvoyant to solve mysteries for their supernatural clientele — until a powerful witch complicates their plans.
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theaters Kult Antares de la Luz

The Doomsday Cult of Antares de la Luz

Gotovo deset godina nakon što su optuženi za stravičan zločin, bivši članovi čileanskog kulta dijele svoja jeziva iskustva.
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theaters City Hunter

Vrhunski strijelac i beznadni plejboj, privatni detektiv Ryo Saeba nevoljko sklopi savez sa sestrom pokojnog partnera kako bi istražio njegovu smrt.
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ondemand_video Sunny Bunnies

Furry little bunnies hop through wild adventures as they find solutions, fun and sometimes mischief wherever there is light.
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ondemand_video The Rise of Phoenixes

A hidden heir. A rising ruler. From the ashes of a fallen empire, love and vengeance collide in a lasting battle.
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theaters Strained

When Ebere's estranged mother comes to help out with her infant son, their strained relationship has an unexpected chance at rebirth.
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ondemand_video Slučaj Asunta

The Asunta Case

After two parents report that their 12-year-old daughter Asunta is missing, the investigation soon turns against them. Inspired by true events.
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theaters Real Estate Sisters

Sibling agents seem poised to achieve their dream of selling luxury properties. But a shocking discovery at a lavish home threatens those aspirations.
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theaters Hakirajte svoje zdravlje: Tajne vaše probave

Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut

Zaroni u probavni sustav uz ovaj vedri, poučni dokumentarac koji otkriva ulogu probave u cjelokupnom zdravlju čovjeka.
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ondemand_video Zbogom, Zemljo

Goodbye Earth

Dok asteroid juri prema Zemlji i ništa ga ne može zaustaviti, jedna odlučna nastavnica pokuša po svaku cijenu zaštititi svoje bivše učenike.
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ondemand_video Kraljica suza

Queen of Tears

Kraljica robnih kuća i princ supermarketa prolaze kroz bračnu krizu... sve dok ljubav čudesno opet ne procvjeta.
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ondemand_video The Gentlemen's League

Coached by former pro players, star athletes from various sports form an amateur soccer club with one goal: to win the national championship.
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ondemand_video ONE PIECE

Monkey D. Luffy sails with his crew of Straw Hat Pirates through the Grand Line to find the treasure One Piece and become the new king of the pirates.
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ondemand_video Military Prosecutor Doberman

An army prosecutor with ambitions of power and wealth finds his plans disturbed by an unyielding newbie with an agenda of her own.
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ondemand_video Teasing Master Takagi-san

Takagi loves playing good-natured pranks on her classmate Nishikata. But try as he might, he can never prank her back — she's just too clever!
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ondemand_video Men on a Mission

In this classroom, everyone becomes the same age. No books, no teachers. Just lots of foolin' around.
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theaters Na medenom mjesecu


Netom vjenčani mladić i djevojka na medenom mjesecu shvate da su potpuno različiti. Hoće li se ove dvije suprotnosti privući i zaljubiti?
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ondemand_video Destiny

When an estranged friend resurfaces after 12 years, a prosecutor starts connecting disjointed events to unveil the truth behind her father's tragic death.
Novi nastavak stiže 30. travnja 2024.
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ondemand_video Borba za raj: Komu možeš vjerovati?

Fight for Paradise: Who Can You Trust?

Od vile do džungle, natjecatelji moraju prijatelje držati blizu, a neprijatelje još bliže. Tko će osvojiti ulazak u raj i 100 tisuća eura?
Novi nastavak stiže 30. travnja 2024.
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