Španjolska, portugalska i južnoamerička produkcija: 656 naslova


theaters ¡Ay, mi madre!

A funeral with flamenco. Marriage in less than a month. To get her inheritance, she must honor her mother's last wishes.
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theaters ¡Que viva México!

Saznavši da je umro njegov djed rudar, Pancho se sa suprugom i djecom vrati u rodni gradić... gdje prepirke s rođacima oko nasljedstva završe kaotično.
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theaters (Gotovo) legende

The (Almost) Legends

Dvojica polubraće u zanimljivom meksičkom gradiću. Romeo i Preciado ponovo se sastanu kako bi odali počast ocu u automobilističkoj utrci punoj adrenalina i banda glazbe.
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ondemand_video #BezFiltera


Kada joj dosadi studiranje, Marcely se ispiše s faksa kako bi ostvarila novi životni cilj: postati influencerica. Ali život na internetu teži je nego što se čini...
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theaters 100 Days with Tata

During the pandemic, actor Miguel Ángel Muñoz documents his 100-plus days living in a tiny flat with his beloved Tata, 95, who becomes an Instagram star.
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theaters 1000 km od Božića

1000 Miles from Christmas

Revizor koji prezire Božić zbog posla je poslan u gradić u kojem upozna ženu odlučnu promijeniti njegov pogled na taj blagdan.
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theaters 11M: Terror in Madrid

Survivors and insiders recount March 11, 2004's terrorist attack on Madrid, including the political crisis it ignited and the hunt for the perpetrators.
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theaters 26 de abril - Play Again

Ovaj dokumentarac ukazuje na problem nasilja u svijetu sporta kroz priču Raúla Sáncheza, koji je nakon napada tijekom nogometne utakmice ostao kvadriplegičar.
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ondemand_video 3%

With the world in ruins, a gleaming offshore haven offers the only escape -- for the 3% who can prove they're worthy.
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ondemand_video 42 dana tame

42 Days of Darkness

Žena predvodi mahnitu potragu za svojom nestalom sestrom u čileanskom gradiću uslijed medijske halabuke i policijske istrage. Nadahnuto istinitim slučajem.
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theaters 4L

For the perfect desert road trip, all they needed were friends -- old and new -- and a zest for adventure. But also: a lot of water.
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theaters 7 años

Four friends face an agonizing decision. One must go to prison. The other three must make the sacrifice worthwhile.
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ondemand_video 800 metara

800 Meters

Španjolsku su 2017. zadesila dva teroristička napada koja su počinili mladi članovi društva. Kako se to moglo dogoditi? Odgovor na to traži ova pronicljiva serija.
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theaters A 3 Minute Hug

Some haven't seen each other in years. Some may never see each other again. The clock is ticking on the reunion of a lifetime.
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theaters A la puta strasse. 2º acto

Bar „Segundo Acto” u Barceloni dvadeset je godina bio dom umjetnika i boema. Kad je 2013. najavljeno da će se zatvoriti, održana je i velika posljednja zdravica.
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theaters A Mulher do Meu Marido

Borderless Love

Životi dva para preokrenu se naglavačke kad se razotkrije afera u koju su svi uključeni. Sve dok jedna izdana strana ne poželi da se stvari opet vrate na staro.
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theaters A Remarkable Tale

Locals rarely stay in this remote place for long. But new visitors with their own set of customs could turn this town around.
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theaters A Twelve Year Night

Their knuckles were raw from tapping code through prison walls. Their bodies were weakened by torture. But their spirits could not be broken.
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theaters Adam

Usamljeni mladić nakon hospitalizacije svoje majke, bivše rock zvijezde, nastoji obaviti težak zadatak koji mu je zadala.
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theaters Adú

Near a Spanish town in northern Africa, a child takes a painful journey, a father reconnects with his daughter and a coast guard is guilt stricken.
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theaters After the Raid

Suddenly, dozens of people disappear. In this small Tennessee town, the immigration debate just hit very close to home.
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theaters Airplane Mode

What's life without likes? This social media influencer is about to discover there's plenty of joy in "missing out."
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theaters Al óleo

Oil on Canvas

Slikarica novakinja María dovede svojeg dečka Julija u obiteljsku vikendicu na vikend koji će im zauvijek promijeniti živote.
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theaters Alalá

Dječji umjetnički centar u višekulturnoj četvrti Seville stvara prilike i potiče truštvene promjene s pomoću snage flamenca.
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