Britanska produkcija: 189 naslova


theaters Smrt gospodina

Death of a Gentleman

Dvojica filmaša, veliki zaljubljenici u kriket, pridruže se predanom igraču i razotkriju stvarnost tog povijesnog sporta koji je preoblikovala korumpirana manjina.
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ondemand_video Sunderland do groba

Sunderland 'Til I Die

U ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji pratimo engleski nogometni klub Sunderland u sezoni 2017./18., u kojoj se nakon brojnih ispadanja u niže lige pokušava vratiti u Premier ligu.
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theaters Tell Me Who I Am

After a twin loses his memory, his brother gifts him with an idyllic childhood. But the truth can’t be hidden forever.
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theaters Ten Dollar Death Trip

Ovaj dokumentarac bavi se rastućom krizom ovisnosti o opioidima u Sjevernoj Americi, s fokusom na fentanil: jeftinu, ali snažnu sintetičku drogu.
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ondemand_video The A List

They signed on for the ultimate summer getaway … but escape may never be possible. Welcome to camp on Peregrine Island.
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theaters The Lancaster at War

Ovaj dokumentarac svjedočanstvima pilota iz prve ruke priča priču o bombarderu iz Drugog svjetskog rata koji je imao ključnu ulogu u pobjedi nad Trećim Reichom.
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theaters The Ritual

They can't agree who's to blame, but they do see eye to eye on this: They shouldn't have come out here in the first place.
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theaters The Shop at Sly Corner

Lukavi bivši zatvorenik vodi uspješan antikvarijat, sve dok njegov pomoćnik ne otkrije da je roba zapravo ukradena te ga počne ucjenjivati.
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theaters The Silence

At the slightest sound, winged predators swarm -- and kill. In this terrifying new world, only the silent survive.
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theaters The World Of Liberace

Liberace, svojedobno najplaćeniji zabavljač na svijetu poznat po ekstravagantnu imidžu, u ovom nam intimnom dokumentarcu daje uvid u svoj život, strahove i snove.
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ondemand_video Top Boy

Drugs. Violence. Alliances. Revenge. Welcome to life in the urban jungle. If you're not on top, you may be dead.
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ondemand_video Top Boy

Dvojica iskusnih dilera droge vrate se na surove londonske ulice, ali misiju stjecanja moći i novca ugrozi im nemilosrdni mladi gangster.
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ondemand_video Traitors

The war is over, but another is just beginning -- one waged solely in the shadows. Trust is now a thing of the past.
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ondemand_video Troy

Hers was "the face that launched a thousand ships." His was the destiny that destroyed an entire city.
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theaters U limbu


U ovoj humorističnoj toploj drami, sirijski glazbenik zajedno s ostalim izbjeglicama završi na udaljenom otoku gdje čeka odgovor na svoj zahtjev za odobrenje azila.
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