Filmovi dostupni na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 4365 naslova


theaters The Ivory Game

Conservationists. Investigators. Government officials. Risking their lives to end the senseless slaughter of elephants.
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theaters The Jonestown Haunting

Preživjela iz tragedije u Jonestownu vrati se na isto mjesto nakon 10 godina i sazna da je nekadašnji dom kulta postao rasadnik natprirodnih pojava.
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theaters The Killer

As a boy, he learns to shoot. As a man, the way of the gun tempts him with riches -- and leads to his curse.
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theaters The King

Yesterday, he was a drunken fool. Today, he's king. With the crown heavy on his head, he holds England's fate in his hands.
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theaters The Kitchen

U ovoj britanskoj drami iz 1961. među osobljem užurbane kuhinje u jednom londonskom restoranu rastu tenzije, gube se živci i raspadaju veze.
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theaters The Kitchen

Izi je blizu bijega iz Kitchena, jednog od posljednjih socijalnih naselja u Londonu. Međutim, kada mu u život uđe mladi Benji, mora donijeti teške odluke.
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theaters The Lancaster at War

Ovaj dokumentarac svjedočanstvima pilota iz prve ruke priča priču o bombarderu iz Drugog svjetskog rata koji je imao ključnu ulogu u pobjedi nad Trećim Reichom.
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theaters The Last Paradiso

Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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theaters The Last Soviet Movie

U ovoj parodiji sovjetskih akcijskih filmova gledamo pisca iz Brooklyna koji istražuje podrijetlo svojih predaka... koji su bili veliki igrači u ruskoj revoluciji.
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theaters The Last Summer

They're done with high school. Adulthood's coming up. But for a season in between, nothing's certain -- and anything's possible.
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theaters The Last Wife

Tormented by her obligations, the third wife of a district governor risks further hardship when she explores her feelings for a childhood sweetheart.
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theaters The Long Road to War

Ovaj dokumentarac analizira situacije koje su dovele do početka Prvog svjetskog rata, od 19. stoljeća do ubojstva nadvojvode Franje Ferdinanda.
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theaters The Lovebirds

A fizzling romance. A shocking crime. A ridiculous plan. They can't even figure out their relationship. How will they solve a murder?
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theaters The Lovers!

Ovaj film snimljen prema istoimenoj humorističnoj seriji prati mladi manchesterski par koji pokušava nadvladati međusobne razlike.
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