Serije dostupne na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 1853 naslova


ondemand_video (Un)Well

Invigorating. Empowering. Miraculous. Alternative healing has changed lives and become a big business. But is it a cure?
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ondemand_video #ABTalks

In this YouTube show, Emirati entrepreneur and interviewer Anas Bukhash hosts candid one-on-ones with various A-listers, leading to daring revelations.
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ondemand_video #BezFiltera


Kada joj dosadi studiranje, Marcely se ispiše s faksa kako bi ostvarila novi životni cilj: postati influencerica. Ali život na internetu teži je nego što se čini...
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ondemand_video #blackAF

They're Black, unfiltered and keep it real-er than your average family. But in this household, success brings its own struggles.
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ondemand_video 100 Humans

Pleasure vs. pain. Sexual selection. How to hang toilet paper. When it comes to human behavior, it's all up for exploration.
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ondemand_video 1899.

Kad se zbog misterioznih događaja promijeni kurs imigrantskog broda koji 1899. isplovi za New York, zbunjeni putnici moraju riješiti zapanjujuću zagonetku.
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ondemand_video 1983

The Party is noble and benevolent. Citizens are prosperous and free. But it is all a monstrous lie.
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ondemand_video 1992.

Nakon što joj suprug pogine u eksploziji, ožalošćena udovica s bivšim policajcem istražuje niz ubojstava zlokobno povezanih sa Svjetskom izložbom 1992. u Sevilli.
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ondemand_video 1994

Archival video and new interviews examine Mexican politics in 1994, a year marked by the rise of the EZLN and the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio.
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ondemand_video 2020

Seeking personal revenge, an investigator goes undercover to capture a wanted drug lord, but her mission gets complicated by unwanted feelings.
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ondemand_video 28 dana straha

28 Days Haunted

Tri tima provedu 28 dana na najukletijim lokacijama Amerike u sklopu paranormalnog eksperimenta temeljenog na teorijama Eda i Lorraine Warren.
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ondemand_video 3%

With the world in ruins, a gleaming offshore haven offers the only escape -- for the 3% who can prove they're worthy.
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ondemand_video 42 dana tame

42 Days of Darkness

Žena predvodi mahnitu potragu za svojom nestalom sestrom u čileanskom gradiću uslijed medijske halabuke i policijske istrage. Nadahnuto istinitim slučajem.
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ondemand_video 50M2

Lies, coverups and stolen lives. He's stepping out of the shadows to chart his own path — but at what price?
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ondemand_video 7 Days Out

The world is watching. The clock is ticking. And there's no room for mistakes. A backstage pass to six extraordinary events.
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ondemand_video 7SEEDS

The world they knew is long gone. Their new environment is dangerous, but not as deadly as their fellow humans.
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ondemand_video 800 metara

800 Meters

Španjolsku su 2017. zadesila dva teroristička napada koja su počinili mladi članovi društva. Kako se to moglo dogoditi? Odgovor na to traži ova pronicljiva serija.
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ondemand_video Aaron Rodgers: Enigma

Prati vođu navale u NFL-u Aarona Rodgersa u oporavku od ozljede Ahilove tetive u ovoj sportskoj seriji koja ti donosi sve ključne trenutke njegova života i karijere.
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