Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 5659 naslova


theaters Otac Italije

There Is A Light

Nemiran prodavač i trudna pjevačica slobodna duha krenu na putovanje na jug u potrazi za ocem njezina djeteta.
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theaters Otac koji pomiče planine

The Father Who Moves Mountains

Nakon što mu sin nestane tijekom planinarenja po snijegu, umirovljeni obavještajac neće dopustiti da ga išta spriječi i stavit će sve na kocku da ga pronađe.
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theaters Other Voices: Booka Brass

Booka Brass obogaćuje intimni serijal „Other Voices” nastupom u crkvi sv. Jamesa u Dingleu, u Irskoj u koji unosi svoj karakterističan zvuk.
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theaters Other Voices: Damien Rice

U sklopu serijala nastupa uživo „Other Voices” kantautor Damien Rice održava opuštenu solo izvedbu u crkvi sv. Jamesa u Dingleu, u Irskoj.
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theaters Other Voices: David Gray

U sklopu serijala nastupa uživo „Other Voices” kantautor David Gray održava intimnu izvedbu u crkvi sv. Michaela u Ballini, u Irskoj.
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theaters Other Voices: Villagers

U ovom glazbenom specijalu gledamo nastupe dublinskog benda Villagers, koji predvodi frontmen Conor O'Brian, te njihove najbolje trenutke iz prethodnih godina.
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theaters Otherhood

They're mothers first, best friends always. But moving forward means letting go -- and rediscovering who they are.
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theaters Oththa Seruppu Size 7

Taken into custody, a murder suspect's theatrical explanations of his peculiar modus operandi unearth truths far beyond the crime he’s accused of.
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theaters Otključan


Život jedne žene okrenut je naglavačke nakon što opasan muškarac nađe njezin izgubljeni mobitel te pomoću njega prati svaki njezin korak.
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theaters Otmica: Boovi superuzbudljivi praznici

Kidnap - Bo's Most Exciting Holiday Ever

Oteti desetogodišnji sin bogatih, no emocionalno hladnih roditelja zbliži se sa svojim nesretnim otmičarem jer mu ovaj pruža pozornost koja mu nedostaje.
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theaters Otok fantazija

Blumhouse's Fantasy Island

When the host of a mysterious island resort promises to fulfill the fantasies of several guests, their visit turns into a nightmarish ordeal to survive.
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theaters Otperjao lopov

Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga

Stjuardesa i njezin dečko moraju ukrasti pošiljku dijamanata kako bi otplatili stari dug... ali plan im se preokrene naglavačke kada netko otme avion.
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theaters Otpusti nam duge naše

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Dječak s invaliditetom postane meta nacista koji hvataju i ubijaju ljude s poteškoćama. Za vrijeme pokušaja bijega donese odvažnu odluku.
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theaters Otrov


U ovoj poznatoj kratkoj priči Roalda Dahla muškarac u krevetu nađe usnulu zmiju otrovnicu.
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theaters Otrovani: Prljava istina o našoj hrani

Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

Kroz informativne razgovore sa stručnjacima i obiteljima žrtava, ovaj napeti dokumentarac istražuje problem smrtonosnih bolesti koje se prenose hranom u SAD-u.
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theaters Our Love

After a mechanic goes to Durban to woo an aspiring businesswoman from back home, his plans are thwarted by the city’s allure and his own decisions.
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theaters Our Lovers

A love-challenged man and a woman he meets at a bookshop bar begin dating, but only at the shop -- and without knowing anything about each other.
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theaters Out of Many, One

They come from around the world, but share a common dream. Hear the inspiring stories of what it means to become American.
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theaters Out of Thin Air

Picking up 40 years after six were convicted for two strange murders in Iceland, this chilling documentary proves confessions can’t always be trusted.
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theaters Outlaw King

Outmanned. Outmatched. Outlawed. For freedom, honor and family, a rebel king takes on the mightiest army in the world.
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theaters Outside In

She envisions a different life. He barely had the chance to start his. Their unlikely bond helps them pave new paths.
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theaters Ovisna o ljubavi


Zoe ima sve, brižna supruga, dvoje klinaca i sjajnu karijeru, sve dok jednog dana ne razvije neutaživu glad za seksom s drugim muškarcima.
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