Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6234 naslova


theaters Arberia

Aida se nakon očeve smrti vrati u svoje selo Arbëreshë, gdje se bori s kompliciranim osjećajima u vezi sa svojim podrijetlom.
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theaters Arianna

Devetnaestogodišnja djevojka koja proživljava kasno seksualno buđenje suoči se s teškim sjećanjima iz djetinjstva tijekom idiličnog izleta na jezero.
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theaters Arini by

After dedicating years of service at a matchmaking company, Arini tries to piece together her mysterious past — and memories of a former client.
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theaters Ariyippu/Declaration

A scandalous video triggers a crisis for a couple working in a factory, unleashing unexpected conflicts in their personal and professional lives.
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theaters Arjan's Big Year

Promatrač ptica posjećuje planine, pustinje i tropske krajeve kako bi zabilježio što više vrsta i postavio novi svjetski rekord.
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theaters Arlo, dječak-aligator

Arlo the Alligator Boy

Arlo je kao i svi drugi: voli prijatelje, nedostaje mu obitelj i živi za pustolovinu. Nema veze što je napola aligator.
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theaters Armaguedon


Serviser u očajničkoj potrazi za slavom iskoristi bogatstvo koje je naslijedio od brata da pokrene niz zločina kojima će postati poznat široj javnosti.
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theaters ARQ

Earth's future depends on a new technology, but the path to survival has a twist. Time's not up -- just in pieces.
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theaters Arrietty

Sprijateljivši se s dječakom puno većim od sebe, sićušna „posuđuvačica” Arrietty morat će zaštititi svoju obitelj od odraslih divova.
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theaters Art Trails of the Riviera

Slijedi umjetničku stazu južne Francuske i uživaj u djelima slikara koji su imali ključan utjecaj na svijet umjetnosti, od Matissea do Marca Chagalla.
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theaters Article 15

They’re invisible victims in an unjust system. He's exposing the uncomfortable truths that many pretend not to see.
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theaters Article 370

Ahead of a major constitutional decision, special agent Zooni Haksar is tasked with a secret mission to quell violence in a conflict-ridden region.
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theaters Aruna & Her Palate

An epidemiologist turns her nationwide bird flu investigation into a chance to sample local delicacies en route, with three friends along for the ride.
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theaters As If It's True

Hoping to revive her dwindling fame, an influencer stages the perfect romance with a troubled musician — until things start getting a little too real.
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theaters Asakusa Kid

Prije negoli je postao uspješan, Takeshi Kitano šegrtovao je kod komičarske legende Fukamija iz Asakuse. No kako njemu sve ide nabolje, njegov mentor propada.
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theaters Ashman

Poisoned by a strange scientist posing as a soup vendor, a middle-aged father transforms into a superhero ready to fight evil and save the world.
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theaters Asoka

This elaborate Bollywood epic dramatizes one man's transformation from a vengeful and cunning warrior into a legendary leader and teacher of Buddhism.
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theaters Assassin's Creed

Uz pomoć tehnologije Callum Lynch probudi svoju poveznicu sa srednjovjekovnim društvom ubojica zakletih na borbu protiv moćnih templara, u prošlosti i sadašnjosti.
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theaters Assembly Paper

When the matriarch of an underprivileged neighborhood dies, its residents scramble to regain stability as they mourn their grave loss.
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theaters Asteroid City

U seriji o postavljanju drame o gradu skupina pametnih tinejdžera i njihovi roditelji umorni od života dođu gledati zvijezde na mjestu na kojem je pao asteroid.
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theaters Asura Guru

For a tech-savvy thief, elaborate robberies and evading the police are second nature until a private detective is hired to investigate his latest heist.
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theaters Asvins

Exploring an abandoned British mansion once owned by a mysterious archaeologist, a group of vloggers stumbles upon an evil presence lurking in its walls.
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