Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6221 naslov


theaters The Young Ones

Nakon što njegov otac tajkun pokuša uništiti omiljeno okupljalište tinejdžera iz susjedstva, mlada pop nada Nicky Black naumi organizirati koncert kako bi spasio klub.
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theaters Theatre of Fear

Neobična obitelj cirkuskih umjetnika izvodi tajanstvenu ponoćnu predstavu koja im je zapravo krinka za uznemiravajuća djela.
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theaters Theera Kadhal

Old feelings emerge when two college sweethearts — now married to other people — meet again. Can they leave the past behind, or will obsession take over?
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theaters Theo Von: Obični ljudi

Theo Von: Regular People

Komičar i voditelj podcasta Theo Von u ovom stand-up specijalu nastupa s ludim pričama o „običnim ljudima” iz svakodnevice u njegovu gradiću.
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theaters There Be Dragons

Novinar otkrije povezanost između svojeg oca i Josemaríje Escrive, osnivača Opus Deija: prijatelja iz djetinjstva čiji su se putevi razišli u Španjolskom građanskom ratu.
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theaters Thi Mai

Along with her two friends, a determined woman travels to Vietnam to bring home the baby her recently deceased daughter had planned to adopt.
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theaters Thieves in Thailand

After a man from Cairo finds out that he has a long-lost brother, he hatches a plan for the two of them to steal an expensive painting from Thailand.
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theaters Thimmarusu

Eight years after a young man is framed for murder, an up-and-coming lawyer re-opens the case, beginning a tricky mission to find the real culprit.
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theaters Third World Romance

In the face of uncertain times, two hard-up grocery workers start a relationship that could keep their dreams alive — or drag both of them down.
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theaters Thiruvin Kural

A man with hearing and speech disabilities is drawn into danger when a ruthless gang starts targeting his injured father at a hospital.
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theaters This Earth of Mankind

A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule. Based on Pramoedya Ananta Toer's famed novel.
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theaters This, That and the Other

U ovoj antologiji glumica si pokuša osigurati ulogu zavođenjem, pustinjak primi niz nepozvanih gostiju, a vozač taksista uđe u bizaran svijet.
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theaters Thottappan

When his partner in crime goes missing, a small-time crook’s life is transformed as he dedicates himself to raising the daughter his friend left behind.
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theaters Three of Us

When a woman with early-onset dementia visits her hometown with her husband, buried memories and a former love pave a poignant path through her past.
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theaters Thrishanku

Romance and time travel collide when an ordinary science student and her four best friends embark on a madcap quest in this action-packed romp.
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theaters Thundu

After chiding his son for cheating on school exams, a bungling cop stoops to similarly devious tactics to pass a test that could grant him a promotion.
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theaters Thunivu

A major bank heist takes an unnerving turn when a mysterious interloper known only as Dark Devil begins to hijack the operation.
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theaters Thunivu (Hindi)

A major bank heist takes an unnerving turn when a mysterious interloper known only as Dark Devil begins to hijack the operation.
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theaters Thunivu (Kannada)

A major bank heist takes an unnerving turn when a mysterious interloper known only as Dark Devil begins to hijack the operation.
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theaters Thursday's Child

Introspektivna i marljiva djevojčica postane glumica, no novostečena slava mogla bi razoriti miran život njezine obitelji iz predgrađa.
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theaters Ti i ja i ja

You & Me & Me

Dvije su blizanke nerazdvojne, sve dok im iznenada u život ne uđe šarmantni tinejdžer Mark.
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theaters Ti po svome

You Do You

Merve je odabrala bohemski život, no on nije odabrao nju. Suočena s deložacijom, prisiljena je naći posao, no pritom se nađe u nezgodnoj situaciji sa šefom.
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theaters Ti, on, vi i mi

The Four of Us

Četvero prijatelja nakon zapleta u eksperimentu zamjene partnera dođe u zabačenu kućicu na plaži suočiti se s posljedicama i očistiti od dubokih istina.
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theaters tick, tick...BOOM!

Mlada kazališna kompozitorska nada na pragu tridesete balansira ljubav, prijateljstvo i pritisak stvaranja velikog umjetničkog djela dok još ima vremena.
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