Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6234 naslova


theaters Hexe Lilli: Die Reise nach Mandolan

Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan

Lilly primi pismo od Mandolana u kojemu piše: „Imamo problem. Zla ruka uklela je kraljevsko prijestolje naše zemlje. Možeš li nam pomoći?”
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theaters Hey Sinamika

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Hindi)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Kannada)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Telugu)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hi Nanna

A 6-year-old with cystic fibrosis recruits the help of an enigmatic new friend to convince her single dad to tell her about her mother.
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theaters Hi Nanna (Tamil)

A 6-year-old with cystic fibrosis recruits the help of an enigmatic new friend to convince her single dad to tell her about her mother.
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theaters Hi Papa (Hindi)

A 6-year-old with cystic fibrosis recruits the help of an enigmatic new friend to convince her single dad to tell her about her mother.
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theaters Hidden Strike

Jackie Chan i John Cena zvijezde su ovog filma o dvojici vojnika koji moraju prebaciti civilne na sigurno kroz zonu koja vrvi pucnjavom i eksplozijama.
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theaters Hienas


Nakon što joj zbog njezina tajnog posla plaćene ubojice upucaju brata, a njezin suprug dobije amneziju, Sara odluči pronaći drugi životni put u ovoj crnoj komediji.
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theaters High Flying Bird

A lockout leaves a rookie baller and his agent scrambling for money and answers. But what if they don't need the league at all?
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theaters High Society

They’re standing at the brink of the upper crust. And think they know all there is to know. But they’re not even close.
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theaters Higuita: El camino del Escorpión

Higuita: The Way of the Scorpion

Od skromnih početaka do legende nogometa, ovaj dokumentarac prati uspon Kolumbijca Renéa Higuite, od njegove legendarne karijere do života punog kontroverzi.
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theaters Hijakint

Operation Hyacinth

Nezadovoljan rezultatom istrage ubojstva u varšavskoj gay zajednici, policajac u komunističkoj Poljskoj 1980-ih naumi otkriti istinu.
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theaters Hikaru Utada: Uživo iz Air Studiosa

Hikaru Utada Live Sessions from AIR Studios

Uživaj u intimnom uvidu u izvedbe uživo novog albuma pop senzacije Hikaru Utade, „Bad Modea”, snimljene u legendarnom studiju AIR Studios u Londonu.
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theaters Himera


Neuspješni pjevač iskoristi priliku da nastupi na nizu koncerata u Rio de Janeiru, no skriveni motivi promotora uskoro će izaći na površinu.
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theaters Hipnotizer

The Hypnotist

Pokusni pilot zatraži pomoć psihijatra, kojem zapadne za oko zaručnica njegova novog pacijenta te ga pokuša hipnotizirati da ubije njegovu suprugu.
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theaters Hire a Woman

An uptight man attempts to make his ex-girlfriend jealous when he pays his co-worker to act as his lover at a university reunion.
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theaters His House

After the nightmare of their past, the house symbolizes a new beginning. The evil that lurks inside may not allow one.
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theaters HIT: The First Case

Burdened by old demons, a troubled but brilliant detective sets out to solve two confounding abduction cases — one involving his own girlfriend.
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theaters Hitac u srce

Heart Shot

U ovom kratkom filmu tinejdžeri Nikki i Sam zaljubljeni su i planiraju zajedničku budućnost... sve dok to ne ugrozi Nikkina nasilna prošlost.
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theaters Hitler - A Career

This documentary examines how Adolf Hitler's talent for manipulation, psychology and image-making led him from humble origins to near-world conquest.
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theaters Hitman: Agent 47


Ubojica bez imena nasiljem se probija kroz svijet dok pokušava ostati korak ispred moćnih sila koje ga pod svaku cijenu žele ubiti.
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