Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6234 naslova


theaters Jak Pies z Kotem

Like Cats and Dogs

Dvojica braće, obojica filmski redatelji, ponovo se zbliže kad stariji doživi srčani udar, a mlađi odluči brinuti o njemu.
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theaters Jak Pokonać Kaca


Filmski redatelj prijavi se u ustanovu za liječenje alkoholizma, gdje otkrije da je osoblju više stalo do novca, nego do dobrobiti pacijenata.
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theaters Jak zostać gwiazdą


To je prilika za osvetu, pred očima milijuna ljudi, ali ono što ona stvarno želi je da je prihvati vlastiti otac.
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theaters Jakarta vs Everybody

One man's dream to become an actor leads him to the big city of Jakarta — but the path to stardom isn't as easy as he originally thought.
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theaters Jake Paul protiv Mikea Tysona

Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson

Jake Paul bori se protiv Mikea Tysona u ovom senzacionalnom boksačkom događaju koji se prenosi uživo na pet jezika iz stadiona AT&T u Arlingtonu, u Teksasu.
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theaters Jana 2022 (Kannada)

As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest, a cop launches an investigation while a lawyer seeks justice in the courtroom.
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theaters Jana 2022 (Tamil)

As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest, a cop launches an investigation while a lawyer seeks justice in the courtroom.
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theaters Jana 2022 (Telugu)

As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest, a cop launches an investigation while a lawyer seeks justice in the courtroom.
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theaters Jana Gana Mana

As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest, a cop launches an investigation while a lawyer seeks justice in the courtroom.
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theaters Janji Darah

A married couple awaiting their first child contend with sinister supernatural forces whose origins may lie in a pledge made deep in the past.
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theaters Jao meni

Oh, Woe Is Me

Nakladnik dođe u švicarski gradić u kojem je Bog navodno ušao u tijelo čovjeka kako bi vodio ljubav s njegovom ženom i iskusio ljudsku požudu.
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theaters Japan

When he targets a politician’s fortune, a mysterious thief with a penchant for robbing jewelry stores becomes entangled in a massive police chase.
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theaters Japan (Hindi)

When he targets a politician’s fortune, a mysterious thief with a penchant for robbing jewelry stores becomes entangled in a massive police chase.
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theaters Japan (Kannada)

When he targets a politician’s fortune, a mysterious thief with a penchant for robbing jewelry stores becomes entangled in a massive police chase.
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theaters Japan (Malayalam)

When he targets a politician’s fortune, a mysterious thief with a penchant for robbing jewelry stores becomes entangled in a massive police chase.
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theaters Japan (Telugu)

When he targets a politician’s fortune, a mysterious thief with a penchant for robbing jewelry stores becomes entangled in a massive police chase.
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theaters Jargo

Preselivši se iz Saudijske Arabije u Njemačku i sprijateljivši se sa sitnim kriminalcem, tinejdžer se uplete u ljubavni trokut i nezakonitu spletku.
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theaters Jawan (Tamil)

A prison warden recruits inmates to commit outrageous crimes that shed light on corruption and injustice — and that lead him to an unexpected reunion.
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theaters Jawan: Extended Cut

A prison warden recruits inmates to commit outrageous crimes that shed light on corruption and injustice — and that lead him to an unexpected reunion.
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theaters Je l' ti ovo dovoljno crno?!?

Is That Black Enough for You?!?

Kulturni kritičar i povjesničar Elvis Mitchell prati evoluciju, ali i revoluciju, crnačke kinematografije od njezinih početaka do utjecajnih filmova 1970-ih.
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theaters Je Suis Karl

Nakon što joj veći dio obitelji pogine u terorističkom napadu, mlada se žena ne znajući pridruži skupini koja je odgovorna za napad.
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theaters Je t'aime, moi non plus

Djevojka koja radi na benzinskoj postaji zaljubi se u vozača kamiona za smeće, no njihovoj se vezi ispriječe njegove seksualne sklonosti i bivši dečko.
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