theaters Babah
While a devoted father loses his hearing, he perseveres to guide his loving daughter into adulthood as they both face major hurdles in their lives.
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While a devoted father loses his hearing, he perseveres to guide his loving daughter into adulthood as they both face major hurdles in their lives.
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Mitsu marries a sensible man and hopes it makes her happy. But when her first love reconnects with her by fate, old feelings complicate everything.
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Obsessed with poison and medicine, a servant in the Emperor’s palace draws on her roots as a healer in the red light district to solve mysterious cases.
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In this reboot of the TV classic, the Angels are tasked with finding lost rings encoded with the personal information of people in witness protection.
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Two bumbling buddies flee the Romanian winter to work in Miami Beach but find trouble in paradise when their new top boss turns out to be a crime lord.
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MMA star Choo Sung-hoon leaves the cage behind to host a talk show. Get ready for candid conversations and fun challenges as he bonds with his guests.
Novi nastavak stiže 2. travnja 2025.
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Osobe iz spektra autizma u ovoj romantičnoj dokumentarnoj seriji traže ljubav i kroče kroz dinamičan svijet dejtanja i veza.
Novi nastavak stiže 2. travnja 2025.
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Kad četvero stranaca slučajno posvjedoči istom nasilnom napadu, njihove se sudbine nepovratno isprepletu dok izbjegavaju osobe koje traže odgovore.
Stiže 2. travnja 2025.
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Ukusno istraživanje meksičke scene ulične hrane, u čijem je središtu omiljena garnacha, svakim zalogajem potiče rasprave i ujedinjuje obožavatelje.
Stiže 2. travnja 2025.
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Kada ga policija unovači da razotkrije bandu kriminalaca povezanu s njegovim suparnikom, propali DJ u tome vidi priliku da se vrati na vrh hit-pjesmom.
Stiže 2. travnja 2025.
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Korea's top foodie Sung Si-kyung joins Japan's beloved Yutaka Matsushige on a tasty adventure as they explore culinary gems across Korea and Japan.
Novi nastavak stiže 3. travnja 2025.
Više na TMDb Netflix
Kada otkriju globalnu urotu koja ugrožava dinosaure, ali i njih same, mali junaci jurskog svijeta udruže se kako bi riješili taj misterij.
Novi nastavak stiže 3. travnja 2025.
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Kad tajanstveni zlikovac zaprijeti da će otvoriti vrata pakla, vražji zgodan lovac na demone mogao bi biti najbolja šansa za spas svijeta.
Stiže 3. travnja 2025.
Više na IMDbTMDb Netflix
Skupina stažista u hitnoj službi prolazi kroz zdravstvene krize i osobnu dramu usred kontroverznih optužbi za seksualno uznemiravanje u bolnici u Miamiju.
Stiže 3. travnja 2025.
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Nakon godina ratovanja okrutna stvarnost Mijina života u siromašnom hrvatskom selu čini ga metom opasnih ideologija.
Stiže 4. travnja 2025.
Više na IMDbTMDb Netflix
After 99 failed dates, an earnest bachelor meets a guarded classical musician. He's all in — she's not so sure. Can his persistence lead to love?
Stiže 4. travnja 2025.
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Svjetovi troje običnih ljudi sudare se tijekom povijesne utakmice kriketa, što ih u konačnici prisili da donesu odluke koje će im promijeniti živote.
Stiže 4. travnja 2025.
Više na IMDbTMDb Netflix
U sudbonosnoj nesreći isprepletu se životi šestoro ljudi, kroz napetu priču o karmi i zločinu, u kojoj se svatko mora suočiti s vlastitim mračnim istinama i vezama.
Stiže 4. travnja 2025.
Više na IMDbTMDb Netflix
A diligent teen winds up living with his spunky childhood friend, a trainee witch, to protect her from a dire prophecy. But can they survive high school?
Stiže 6. travnja 2025.
Više na IMDbTMDb Netflix
A bucket, a mic and one minute to win over Tony Hinchcliffe and a panel of famous guests. This is stand-up at its most unforgiving — and unpredictable.
Stiže 7. travnja 2025.
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