ondemand_video Fary : Hexagone
From accents to beauty myths, immigrants to influencers. He’s here to make sense of a complicated world — with wit and flair.
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From accents to beauty myths, immigrants to influencers. He’s here to make sense of a complicated world — with wit and flair.
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Princ Fichael, koji živi u ljudskoj koloniji na izvanzemaljskom planetu, zakune se da će osloboditi planet od zla... no zatim sazna da je njegov otac najgori od svih zlikovaca.
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Are great race cars bought or built? There's only one way to find out: Line 'em all up, drop the flag and see who wins.
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Udana profesorica započne strastvenu vezu s mlađim muškarcem koja razotkrije tragedije i izdaje koje su počinili njezini bližnji.
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U svojem se bijesu osjećala nevidljivo. On joj sad osvjetljava kleti put osvete. A njezinu bol ništa ne može ugasiti.
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Za dvojicu neprijatelja u smrtonosnoj borbi granica između pravde i osvete vrlo je tanka. I sve je osobno.
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Gambino. Bonanno. Colombo. Lucchese. Genovese. No one dared cross the feared mob families — until one agency finally did.
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It's the world's most brutal sport. But these guys are willing to sacrifice blood and bone to become champions.
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Tjeskoba, trijeznost, strast. Za zaljubljenu komičarku život je prekrasan. Osim kad je u totalnom kaosu.
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Sex. Drugs. Family. Felipe Esparza takes no prisoners in this one-man comedy special.
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Dvije sestre moraju se suočiti s novom stvarnošću i nadnaravnim elementima nakon što se ispostavi da su im roditelji sudjelovali u ritualu kulta koji se okončao smrću.
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Survival? Sport? Tradition? When it comes to why people fight, no two cultures have the same answer.
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Kada snimanje filma redatelja debitanta pođe gadno po zlu, ekipa snima zbivanja iza kulisa, uključujući sve probleme, ucjene i sabotaže.
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Woodstock 1969. obećavao je mir i glazbu, no njegovo obnovljeno izdanje '99. donijelo je divljaštvo, nerede, ozbiljne ozljede i štetu. Zašto je tako gadno pošlo po zlu?
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Ovi su nas blockbusteri zbližili i priuštili nam divne trenutke. Upoznaj glumce, redatelje i insajdere kojima možemo zahvaliti na njima.
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Every year the wildfires get worse. Fighting these fearsome blazes takes grit, teamwork and a special kind of courage.
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Some seek redemption. Others struggle with regret. But every inmate must face the highs and lows of two crucial days.
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Pulse-pounding highlights. Revealing personal stories. Grab a front-row seat as a soccer giant aims to stay on top.
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Family feuds. Money squabbles. Wobbly furniture. A no-nonsense lawyer joins a low-rent wills and probate firm after her marriage and career implode.
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Stotinu natjecatelja u vrhunskoj tjelesnoj formi natječu se u nizu iscrpljujućih izazova za titulu najboljeg, ali i novčanu nagradu.
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Capra. Ford. Huston. Stevens. Wyler. Armed with cameras, five directors risked their lives to boost morale through film.
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Chip cares deeply about his friends, his neighbors and his town. It's just that he cares more about Chip.
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Forenzički stručnjak budi se iz kome sa supermoćima koje koristi protiv sila koje prijete njegovu gradu u ovoj igranoj seriji o superherojima.
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Cringe-worthy challenges. Crazier consequences. For these courageous souls, the slightest wince could cost them.
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It's the toughest job in a tough town. An unfiltered look at the stark reality of policing a fractured community.
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YouTube whisperers. Sophisticated fake news. Rehab tourism. Discover the stories ... and the reporting behind them.
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Elitnim timovima koji žele dominirati najvećim trkaćim natjecanjem samopouzdanje je sve, a strah može biti fatalan.
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Kupuje skupo i prodaje jeftino. Nikad ne baca knjigu, no rado se rješava nekih ljudi. Dobro došli u NYC, Franin grad.
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The table is set. He has his dream guest list, and he's serving up intimate interviews with exciting new icons.
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She was hoping for a quiet summer vacation in the country. Instead, she found friends, thieves and a horse in need.
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