Afrički filmovi: 205 naslova


theaters The Razz Guy

While preparing for an important business deal, an arrogant executive loses control of his voice after being cursed by an office cleaner.
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theaters The Set Up

Manipulation and personal vendettas collide when a con artist hires a young woman to assist with his scheme to marry a wealthy heiress.
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theaters The Throne

Two sons of a powerful Pedi chief in South Africa struggle for control of their father's kingdom, forcing others in the household to take sides.
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theaters The Vendor

A newspaper seller bemoans his lack of success but is undermined by his own laziness when he gets a better job as a driver and finds his rich father.
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theaters The Vow

A newlywed couple takes a luxurious vacation with their unmarried friends — but a wild night on the town leads to revelations, doubts and dilemmas.
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theaters The Wait

Faith becomes a beacon for people struggling with family, career ambition and romantic longing in this adaptation of Yewande Zaccheaus' popular book.
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theaters The Wildflower

Three women silently endure abuse and assault from a lecherous boss, an abusive husband and a creepy neighbor until one of the women speaks out.
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theaters Tòkunbọ̀

Bivši krijumčar automobila ima tri sata da preveze kćer vladine dužnosnice njezinu otmičaru... a ako to ne učini, posljedice će trpjeti njegova obitelj.
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theaters U ozbiljnoj slobodi

Seriously Single

Ide na spojeve da bi se udala, no vjenčanja nema ni na vidiku. Kada će završiti agonija samačkog života?
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theaters Umjolo: Moj početak, moj kraj!

Umjolo: My Beginning, My End!

Rastrgana između obitelji i slobodoumnosti, Mayi počne propitkivati svoje skorašnje vjenčanje kada upozna šarmantnog i strastvenog saksofonista.
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theaters Umjolo: Najbolji prijatelji

Umjolo: Day Ones

Zanele i Andile najbolji su prijatelji od djetinjstva. No nakon što se Andile oženi i dobije djecu, hoće li mu Zanele zauvijek ostati samo prijateljica?
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theaters Umjolo: Zacopana djevojka

Umjolo: The Gone Girl

Naizgled savršeni par nađe se u problemima kad jedno od njih dozna za nevjeru drugoga... no tko je uopće rekao da su veze jednostavne?
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theaters Up North

You can take a slick heir out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the heir. Or can you?
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theaters Uredska invazija

Office Invasion

Trojica najboljih prijatelja odruže se kako bi obranili svoju vrijednu rudarsku tvrtku od čudovišnih izvanzemaljaca koji žele pljačkati i ubijati.
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theaters Večera s idiotom


Two old friends and their partners gather for a celebratory meal, where a fifth guest stirs up secrets that threaten to bring down both relationships.
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theaters Veve

A cheating politician, his distraught wife and an ex-con find themselves caught up in a narcotics trade fraught with intrigue and betrayal.
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