Akcijske pustolovine: 760 naslova


theaters Kako sam postao superjunak

How I Became a Superhero

U svijetu ljudi i superjunaka policajac samotnjak udruži se s bistrom detektivkom kako bi zajedno spriječili mračan plan izvlačenja supermoći.
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theaters Kalagathalaivan

A brilliant corporate whistleblower's plan to bring down a shady company turns perilous when a cold-blooded hitman is hired to hunt him down.
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theaters Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi)

The future of those in the dystopian city of Kasi is altered when the destined arrival of Lord Vishnu's final avatar launches a war against darkness.
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theaters Kandahar

CIA-in operativac napušten u Afganistanu zajedno sa svojim prevoditeljem mora se dokopati sigurnosti dok neprijatelj vreba iza svakog ugla.
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theaters Kantara (Hindi)

A fiery young man clashes with an unflinching forest officer in a south Indian village where spirituality, fate and folklore rule the lands.
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theaters Kasargold

A car crash leaves two gold smugglers without their valuable cargo. But getting it back means chasing the thief deep into Kerala's chaotic underworld.
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theaters Kate

Shvativši da je smrtonosno otrovana, nemilosrdna ubojica u Tokiju ima manje od 24 sata da otkrije tko je naručio ubojstvo i osveti se.
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theaters Kavacham

Framed as a kidnapper and pursued by cops and criminals, an upstanding officer of the law goes on the run as he desperately tries to prove his innocence.
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theaters Kenny: Početak

Kenny Begins

Zli Rutger Oversmart dolazi na Zemlju pronaći moćni kristal pod svaku cijenu, a Kenny i dvoje tinejdžera moraju spasiti planet.
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theaters Kick

A young man's hunt for thrills alienates those around him but pays off in adrenalin when he starts robbing his wealthy neighbors.
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theaters Kill Bill 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Ubojicu ustrijele njezin nemilosrdni poslodavac Bill i drugi članovi njihova kruga plaćenih ubojica. No ona preživi i krene po osvetu...
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theaters Kill Bill 2

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Mlada ima tri preostale osobe na popisu za osvetu: Budda, Elle Driver i samog Billa. Međutim, u Billovoj je kući dočeka iznenađenje...
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theaters Kingdom

After his friend dies in service to the king, a war orphan takes up his sword and vows to seek justice by restoring the deposed king to the throne.
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theaters Knjiga o džungli

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

Torn between two worlds, he's on a treacherous quest to discover who he really is -- and the hero he's meant to become.
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theaters Kȏd 8

Code 8

U njegovom su svijetu supermoći zabranjene. Hoće li ovaj obični čovjek otkriti svoju pravu prirodu da bi spasio majku?
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theaters Kȏd 8, Drugi dio

Code 8 Part II

U gradu u kojem su ljudi s moćima ugnjetavani i pod kontrolom bivši kriminalac mora se obratiti narkobosu kojega prezire kako bi djevojku spasio od pokvarenog policajca.
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