Akcijske pustolovine: 760 naslova


theaters Major (Telugu)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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theaters Mala pljačka Velikog Nunua

Big Nunu's Little Heist

Bivši vojnik, sada dostavljač, slučajno se spetlja s nesposobnom bandom lokalnog krimi bosa i mora im pomoći izvesti odvažnu pljačku u zloglasnom južnoafričkom gradu.
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theaters Malang

Broken hearts. Buried demons. In this tale of fated love and bitter revenge, everyone wants payback for their pain.
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theaters Malbatt: Misi Bakara

In this film based on real-life events, the Malaysian Battalion sets out on a mission to help save US troops who are cornered in the Battle of Mogadishu.
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theaters Manhunt

For an attorney stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, the law is the last thing he can count on for his own defense.
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theaters Maria

She changed her name and her life. But she can't escape the past that turned her into a killer.
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theaters Marseille: Sjeverna četvrt

The Stronghold

Trojica policajaca iz Marseillesa, umorna od rada sa sitnim kriminalcima, imaju priliku razbiti veliki narko lanac. Nakon velike molbe ključne doušnice granice se brišu.
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theaters Maska

The Mask

Mask on, he's got crazy superpowers; mask off, he's a timid clerk. Crooks would love it. You can take that to the bank.
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theaters Mat Kilau

Nakon što britanske snage napadnu Pahang, legendarni ratnik povede svoje ljude u gerilski rat kako bi zaštitio svoj dom od kolonizatora.
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theaters Mathu Vadalara 2

Bumbling besties Babu and Yesu embrace life as undercover agents — and the perks that go with it. But an accident puts them on the wrong side of the law.
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theaters Matrix

The Matrix

It was a simple life. Then he woke up. Now this hacker-turned-savior is about to blow the dream sky high.
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theaters Meg 2: The Trench

In the ocean's darkest depths, researchers fight for survival against massive prehistoric sea creatures and an equally predatory mining operation.
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theaters Mersal

Senseless crimes are being committed against medical practitioners. Or so it first appears.
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theaters Meter

After a reluctant cop is promoted, he attempts to sabotage his own rise — until an unexpected clash with a corrupt politician forces a change of heart.
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theaters Misija Križ

Mission: Cross

U najvećem testu bračnog života agent koji je postao kućanica uplete se u opasnu misiju sa svojom suprugom detektivkom, koja ne zna ništa o njegovoj prošlosti.
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theaters Misija Majnu

Mission Majnu

Indijski špijun na tajnom zadatku u 1970-ima prihvati smrtonosnu misiju: mora razotkriti tajni program nuklearnog naoružanja u srcu Pakistana.
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theaters Miss Bala

Prijateljica joj je oteta, a ona ne zna kome se prikloniti. Da bi preživjela, morat će igrati za obje strane.
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