Akcijske pustolovine: 683 naslova


theaters Spaceman

Šest mjeseci nakon odlaska na solo misiju usamljeni astronaut suoči se s problemima u svojem braku uz pomoć tajanstvena bića koje otkrije na brodu.
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theaters Spectral

We can't see them. Bullets don't stop them. The Army is no match for them. Time to try something totally different.
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theaters Speed Cross

Dvojica dobrih prijatelja koji voze motokros i žive punim plućima i na stazi i izvan nje postanu metom bande koja namješta utrke.
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theaters Spenser Confidential

All he wants to do is leave town and start over. But first, he needs to deal with his ex, his new roomie and the enemies who want him dead.
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theaters Spider-Man

Just your typical roof-leaping, web-spinning, villain-fighting, girl-saving, socially inept nerd.
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theaters Spider-Man 2

Spidermanov najgori neprijatelj možda je opaki zlikovac s čeličnim pipcima... A možda i njegov vlastiti alter ego.
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theaters Spyder

He taps phone calls to keep others safe. This time, he’s dialed into more danger than he could imagine.
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theaters Srce lovca

Heart of the Hunter

Bivši plaćeni ubojica mora se vratiti u akciju kada njegov prijatelj otkrije opasnu zavjeru na vrhu jedne južnoameričke vlade.
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theaters Sreća za početnike

Happiness for Beginners

Rastavši se i našavši na prekretnici života, učiteljica koja traži novi početak i u životu i u ljubavi prijavi se za zahtjevno grupno planinarenje.
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theaters Stara garda

The Old Guard

Drevni ratnici žive u sjeni i bore se za pravdu. No besmrtnost može dojaditi... A ništa ne traje vječno.
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theaters Steel Rain

If he succeeds, he'll be deemed a nation's hero. If he fails, it'll be the start of a new regime -- and a nuclear war.
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theaters Super Senior Heroes

To impress his grandson, a widower forms a pretend superhero league with his friends, but they must unexpectedly take real action when trouble arises.
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theaters Suze boga sunca

Tears of the Sun

Navy SEALS on a mission to rescue a doctor from a deadly conflict in Nigeria. Who will save her patients?
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theaters Suzume

After she unknowingly opens a door of chaos, 17-year-old Suzume joins forces with a young man to help prevent more calamity from befalling Japan.
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