Akcijske komedije: 68 naslova


theaters Nindža kornjače: Izlazak iz sjene

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

Uz pomoć April i novopridošlice Casey nindža kornjače ulete u akciju nakon što Shredder pobjegne iz zatvora s planom da osvoji svijet sa zlim Krangom.
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theaters Noć i dan

Knight and Day

Upoznavši u zračnoj luci tajnog agenta koji bi mogao biti onaj pravi, žena se s njime zaputi na pustolovno putovanje po cijelom svijetu. Samo da oboje ostanu živi!
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theaters Nova generacija

Next Gen

Njezin novi najbolji prijatelj borbeni je robot. Zajedno će poravnati račune, zabaviti se, a možda i spasiti svijet.
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theaters Okja

To the girl who raised her, this massive creature is family. And there's no way big business is turning her into food.
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theaters One 2 Ka 4

When his partner is killed, a young cop is forced to care for the man's four children, and solicits the help of a woman who moves in with them.
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theaters Pingvini s Madagaskara

Penguins of Madagascar: The Movie

Elitni pingvini špijuni Spika, Kompa, Rico i Pišta udruže se s elegantnim agentima Organizacije Sjeverac kako bi porazili ludog genija Oktavijana Špricu.
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theaters Plava munja

Blue Streak

He's about to come face-to-face with every criminal's worst nightmare: having to break into a police station!
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theaters Psychokinesis

Neckties dance at his fingertips. Bullies fly away at a wave of his hand. But his daughter's heart is beyond his superhuman reach.
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theaters R.K.Nagar

Things look up for a Chennai man struggling to make ends meet when he falls for a politician’s daughter -- until he gets entangled in a murder case.
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theaters Shaft

Like father, like son? Like hell. It's time for this street-smart dad to show his book-smart namesake how to be one bad mother...
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theaters Shazam!

He was searching for his biological mother. Instead, he quickly found adulthood — as a superhero.
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theaters Spasilačka služba


Kako bi spasili svoju plažu vrhunski spasitelj Mitch Buchannon i bivši olimpijac suprotstave se zločinačkom planu koji je prijetnja cijelom zaljevu.
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theaters Spenser Confidential

All he wants to do is leave town and start over. But first, he needs to deal with his ex, his new roomie and the enemies who want him dead.
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theaters Spider-Man: Novi svijet

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

On je dobroćudni borac protiv kriminala. Ona isto. Kao i onaj mališa tamo. Uz malo vjere, svatko može nositi masku.
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theaters Tajna služba

Central Intelligence

Operativac CIA-e unovači frenda iz srednje škole, pouzdanog računovođu, da mu pomogne uništiti smrtonosnu urotu protiv američkih tajnih agenata.
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