Britanska kinematografija: 52 naslova


theaters (Ne)Profesionalac

The Brothers Grimsby

He's a spy on the run from terrorists. Upside: He's got an ally, his brother. Downside? His brother's the village idiot.
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theaters 6 Days

Barricaded inside an embassy, terrorists take hostages and make demands. Options are few. Time is running out.
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theaters Apostle

Vengeful leaders. Gruesome rituals. Brutal punishments. This island teems with sickening secrets.
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theaters Bean... film vrhunske katastrofe

Bean: The Movie

Nespretni Mr. Bean poslan je u Los Angeles kako bi čuvao poznatu sliku, no s obzirom da mu ništa ne ide za rukom, sve se uskoro pretvori u urnebesnu katastrofu.
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theaters Been So Long

She's a single mom. He's fresh out of prison. Their chemistry's undeniable -- but are they ready for love? A modern musical.
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theaters Beirut

A tragedy led this diplomat to the end of his career -- and to the bottle. But now the fate of a hostage rests in his hands.
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theaters Bitka za Pacifik: Ustanak

Pacific Rim: Uprising

Sin Stackera Pentecosta, Jake, udruži snage sa starim prijateljem pilotom i hakerom u borbi protiv čudovišne Kaiju prijetnje u velikom ratu za spas čovječanstva.
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theaters Brianov život

Monty Python's Life of Brian

He just wants the Romans to go home. But somehow he finds himself sidetracked into the role of the Messiah.
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theaters Calibre

A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal.
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theaters Close

One's prepared for anything. The other's been given everything. To survive what's coming, these women will have to trust each other.
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theaters Crno zrcalo: Bandersnatch

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a dark fantasy novel into a video game. A mind-bending tale with multiple endings.
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theaters Djeca čovječanstva

Children of Men

U mračnoj budućnosti ljudi više ne mogu imati djecu. Kada jedna žena neobjašnjivo zatrudni, a u zaštitu joj ustane neodlučan birokrat.
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theaters Duh feniksa

Rising Phoenix

Krv. Znoj. Suze. Ponovi. Upoznaj natjecatelje Paraolimpijskih igara i istraži izvanrednu povijest tog događaja.
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theaters Evelyn

Grief. Joy. Anger. All the raw feelings break the surface during an intense trek through a landscape of loss and memory.
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theaters iBOY

He's the proud owner of the absolute latest in cutting-edge digital technology ... but it's literally all in his head.
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