Dokumentarne serije: 254 naslova


ondemand_video 100 Humans

Pleasure vs. pain. Sexual selection. How to hang toilet paper. When it comes to human behavior, it's all up for exploration.
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ondemand_video 1994

Archival video and new interviews examine Mexican politics in 1994, a year marked by the rise of the EZLN and the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio.
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ondemand_video 7 Days Out

The world is watching. The clock is ticking. And there's no room for mistakes. A backstage pass to six extraordinary events.
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ondemand_video 800 metara

800 Meters

Španjolsku su 2017. zadesila dva teroristička napada koja su počinili mladi članovi društva. Kako se to moglo dogoditi? Odgovor na to traži ova pronicljiva serija.
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ondemand_video Afflicted

Baffling symptoms. Controversial diagnoses. Costly treatments. Seven people with chronic illnesses search for answers -- and relief.
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ondemand_video Broken

Teens addicted to nicotine. Flimsy furniture that kills. Some of the real costs behind the products we buy every day.
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