Drame: 2401 naslov


theaters ¡Que viva México!

Saznavši da je umro njegov djed rudar, Pancho se sa suprugom i djecom vrati u rodni gradić... gdje prepirke s rođacima oko nasljedstva završe kaotično.
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theaters '71

Mladi britanski vojnik odvojen od svoje postrojbe u Belfastu na vrhuncu sukoba u Sjevernoj Irskoj mora sam preživjeti noć u gradu.
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theaters '76.


Nakon što joj muža optuže za sudjelovanje u pokušaju vojnog puča, trudnoj ženi život se okrene naglavačke. Nadahnuto stvarnim događajima.
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theaters '83

Amid doubt and derision, indomitable captain Kapil Dev leads India's struggling cricket team to make history at the 1983 World Cup. Based on true events.
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theaters 'Ndrangheta: Sinovi mafije

Sons Of 'Ndrangheta

Sudac odlučan u namjeri da zatvori članove 'Ndranghete susreće mladog nasljednika te mafijaške obitelji, koji žudi za životom bez zločina.
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theaters (Ne)sretne sestre

(Un)lucky Sisters

Nakon što im otac neočekivano umre, dvije otuđene sestre povežu se kada pronađu njegovu ogromnu zalihu love iza zida. Trebaju li je zadržati?
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theaters #FriendButMarried

Pining for his high school crush for years, a young man puts up his best efforts to move out of the friend zone until she reveals she's getting married.
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theaters #Selfie

It was the trip of their lives. But for them, making memories means making a few mistakes.
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theaters 10 dana lošeg čovjeka

10 Days of a Bad Man

Izmučen i slomljen, obudovjeli privatni istražitelj mora raspetljati mrežu laži kako bi razotkrio istinu o ubojstvu u vili.
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theaters 100% Halal

She's still learning about love and marriage. But when a truth comes to light, her life will take an unexpected turn.
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theaters 11:11

When a troubled lawyer attempts suicide in his car, the stray bullet triggers a series of events intertwining the lives of three strangers.
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theaters 11. rujna

September 11

U ovoj neuobičajenoj kolekciji kratkih filmova 11 filmaša iz 11 zemalja propituje globalni utjecaj terorističkih napada 11. rujna 2001.
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theaters 12 ljeta

A Dozen Summers

Dvanaestogodišnje blizanke preotmu dječji film kako bi ispričale svoju priču u kojoj se bore protiv nasilnika, odlaze na loše spojeve te smišljaju psine vlastitom tati.
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theaters 12th Fail

An earnest small-town man heads to Delhi to become a police officer, facing systemic adversity at every turn ahead of the notorious civil service exams.
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theaters 15 August

It’s a day to observe their country’s freedom. This year, some heartache -- and hilarity -- may help them find their own.
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theaters 18 Pages

When a heartbroken Siddhu stumbles upon a two-year-old diary, he finds himself drawn into the enigmatic world of a young woman named Nandini.
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theaters 18 Presents

Her mom left her 18 gifts before she was born. But it may take a tragedy to make her appreciate her mother's presence.
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