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theaters The Post-Truth World

When held hostage by a convicted sports star, news anchor Liu Li-min finds a new shot at fame. But his investigation reveals far more than he expected.
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theaters The Pot Carriers

Služeći 12-mjesečnu kaznu, James Rainbow sitnom lopovu koji ga je podučio svim zatvorskim trikovima pokušava pomoći da umanji kaznu.
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theaters The Proud Valley

Nakon što svojim prekrasnim glasom osvoji poštovanje velških rudara, američki mornar pridruži se njihovoj borbi za bolje radne uvjete.
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theaters The Raging Moon

Long Ago Tomorrow

Iscrpljeni mladi sportaš prijavi se u bolnicu zbog teške ozljede i zbliži se sa ženom koja boluje od dječje paralize. Ta će mu veza promijeniti život.
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theaters The Resemblance

Stariji par shrvan tugom angažira glumca da jednu večer glumi njihova preminuloga sina u pokušaju da se pomire s njegovom smrću.
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theaters The Road

Tired of Beirut's constant transformation, a young married couple takes a nostalgic road trip to Lebanon's untouched mountains and deserted villages.
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theaters The Room

Being the only next of kin, a woman receives a sudden call to pick up her late estranged father's belongings.
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theaters The Royal Bengal Tiger

Knocked down by life one too many times, a meek family man drastically transforms from shy to savage after an encounter with a mysterious friend.
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theaters The Ruthless

He didn't intend to become a brutal criminal mastermind. A brief but unwarranted stint in juvie would change that.
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theaters The Scandalous Four

Supružnici koje su obitelji prisilile na brak bez ljubavi izazovu prijezir i skandale kada pronađu utjehu u rukama dvojice muškaraca koji rade na njihovu imanju.
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theaters The Set Up

Manipulation and personal vendettas collide when a con artist hires a young woman to assist with his scheme to marry a wealthy heiress.
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theaters The Shop at Sly Corner

Lukavi bivši zatvorenik vodi uspješan antikvarijat, sve dok njegov pomoćnik ne otkrije da je roba zapravo ukradena te ga počne ucjenjivati.
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theaters The Siege of Pinchgut

Muškarac sa suučesnicima pobjegne iz zatvora i iz Sydneyja. Kad im se brod pokvari u blizini Fort Denisona, uzmu za taoce čuvara i njegovu obitelj.
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