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theaters Upstarts

Big dreams. Big money. Even bigger sharks. They can change the future and make a fortune -- but it may cost their friendship.
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theaters Uriyadi 2

He’s facing deadly substances -- and even deadlier people. In his fight for justice, playing it safe won’t be an option.
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theaters Urvasivo Rakshasivo

Forced to hide his steamy affair with a coworker, hopeless romantic Sri is heartbroken when his lover isn't interested in a real relationship.
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theaters Us and Them

They chased their dreams. Now they finally have everything they've ever wanted -- except for each other.
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theaters Uske suknje, razuzdani užici

Tight Skirts, Loose Pleasures

Kad joj mušterija umre od srčanog udara, mlada prostitutka upozna neočekivana saveznika koji joj želi pomoći pobjeći od osvetoljubiva lihvara.
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theaters Uskrsnuće jednog gada

The Resurrection of a Bastard

Brutalni gangster nakon bliskog susreta sa smrću postane potpuno drukčiji čovjek, ali ta transformacija ne znači da planira zaboraviti na osvetu svojem napadaču...
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theaters Usporedni životi

In Her Place

Kada čileanska spisateljica María Carolina Geel ubije ljubavnika, slučaj zapne za oko sramežljivoj pravnoj tajnici Mercedes te se dvije žene neočekivano povežu.
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theaters Ustav Republike Hrvatske

The Constitution

Splet događaja prisili četvoro susjeda u Zagrebu da se povežu te međusobno suoče svoje različite sustave vrijednosti i perspektive.
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theaters Utolér

Run To Ground

Tijekom lova na opasnog bjegunca troje se ljudi u europskom gradu mora suočiti s vlastitim demonima: nestalim djetetom, uhoditeljem i ubojicom.
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theaters Utrka Mille Miglia

The Mille Miglia Race

Zadatak izvještavanja s utrke Mille Miglia novinaru postane nostalgična misija sklapanja legendarnog auta i prijave na tu povijesnu utrku.
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theaters Uvjeravanje


Osam godina nakon što su je nagovorili da se ne uda za siromaha, Anne Elliot ponovo sretne tog šarmantnog muškarca. Hoće li iskoristiti drugu priliku za pravu ljubav?
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theaters Uz tebe, uvijek

Ride or Die

Ona počini grozno djelo za ženu koju voli. Sada su zajedno protiv svijeta na putu bez povratka.
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theaters Užasno sretan

Terribly Happy

On se ne uklapa u njihovu bizarnu, malograđansku kulturu, ali ti jezivi običaji počinju utjecati i na njega.
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theaters Vaashi (Malayalam)

Two ambitious lawyers must grapple with their own dilemmas outside the courtroom when they end up on opposite sides of a momentous case.
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theaters Vaathi

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Hindi)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Kannada)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Malayalam)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vadh

Buried under a mountain of debt, Shambhunath Mishra is pushed to a murderous brink when a menacing loan shark begins threatening his family.
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theaters Varane Avashyamund

At an apartment complex, the lives of a mother, a daughter seeking an arranged marriage, a military retiree and a young man become intertwined.
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