Drame: 2424 naslova


theaters Elvira

Život izmučene mlade slikarice vrti se oko toga kako ga okončati... sve dok joj jedan sudbonosan susret ne probudi davno izgubljenu volju za životom. No je li prekasno?
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theaters Encrypted Letter

A young man and his friends set out for the adventure of a lifetime after he inherits a clue to finding ancient treasures from his grandfather.
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theaters English Babu Desi Mem

After his brother dies, wealthy Vikram reluctantly returns to India and forms a surprise bond with his orphaned nephew and the showgirl raising him.
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theaters Enola Holmes

Majka? Nestala. Braća, Sherlock i Mycroft? Nikakve koristi od njih. Misterij će morati riješiti sama. Igra je započela.
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theaters Enola Holmes 2

Enola Holmes preuzme svoj prvi službeni detektivski slučaj. Kako bi riješila misterij nestale djevojke, trebat će joj pomoć od prijatelja... i brata Sherlocka.
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theaters Erin Brockovich

Julia Roberts earned an Oscar in this emotional drama for her portrayal of a twice-divorced mother who sees an injustice and takes on the bad guys.
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theaters Erryjev miks

Mixed by Erry

Švercajući miksete koje sami rade u Napulju osamdesetih, ambiciozni DJ i dvojica njegove braće postanu iznenađujuće moćni producenti s one strane zakona.
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theaters Escort

Odgovoran otac provede noć u hotelu umjesto da pijan vozi kući i slučajno se uplete u niz zločina.
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theaters Estocolmo

Šarmantni Él i ne tako poletna Ella sa zabave ode u noćni đir po gradu i otisnu se na putovanje koje će im promijeniti živote.
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theaters Eternal Summer

Inseparable childhood friends Shou-heng and Cheng-shing have their world thrown into chaos when a new girl comes to town and falls for Shou-heng.
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theaters Etharkkum Thunindhavan

When a lawyer uncovers a ruthless leader's criminal network that sexually exploits and threatens young women, he embarks on a bloody pursuit of justice.
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theaters Eto tvoga života

Here Is Your Life

Tinejdžer iz radničke klase u Švedskoj s početka 20. stoljeća odrasta obavljajući razne poslove kako bi, nakon što mu se otac razbolio, prehranio obitelj.
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theaters Extinction

They're here. And they want nothing less than total annihilation. One dad will do whatever it takes to save his family.
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theaters Eye of the Storm

A deadly virus outbreak puts a hospital in total lockdown, and various people trapped in the crisis must confront a deluge of agonizing choices.
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