Drame: 2424 naslova


theaters Pakleni šund

Pulp Fiction

Ovaj stilizirani krimić spaja priče o plaćenom ubojici, njegovom filozofski raspoloženom partneru i propalom boksaču.
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theaters Pali idol

The Fallen Idol

Očaran pustolovnim pričama svojega omiljenoga batlera, sin diplomata učinit će sve da zaštiti svojega junaka od optužbi da je ubio suprugu.
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theaters Pallieter

Udovac počne iznova cijeniti život nakon što se preseli na selo, no njegov seoski život ugrožavaju građevinci koji su se namjerili na njegovu dolinu.
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theaters Pandora

What once fueled an entire nation is about to destroy it. What humans have built, only humans can bring down.
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theaters Panie Dulskie


Dokumentaristkinja želi izvjetriti prljavo rublje svoje obitelji. Njezina majka i baka smatraju da ga ne treba iznositi.
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theaters Panihida

Smrt starice u moldavskom selu povod je za meditaciju o životu, gubitku i žudnji dok se ljudi okupljaju kako bi se oprostili od nje.
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theaters Par iz snova

A Perfect Fit

Iskre frcaju kad modna blogerica na Baliju upozna nadarenog obućara, zbog čega se zapita koliko je zapravo odana svojem zaručniku.
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theaters Paradox

Howl at the moon. Protect the seeds. Beware the Man in the Black Hat. A transportive tale of music and love with Neil Young.
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theaters Parfumer

The Perfumier

Kako bi vratila osjet njuha i svoju ljubav, detektivka udruži snage s majstorom za izradu parfema koji ubojitim metodama stvara savršen miris.
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theaters Paris Is Us

Pulsing music, chanting crowds, sirens. As their love ebbs and flows to the sounds of the city, her world begins to splinter.
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theaters Pariški božićni valcer

A Paris Christmas Waltz

Kad se računovotkinja i umirovljeni profesionalni plesač nađu radi plesnog natjecanja u Parizu, morat će se suočiti s probama, konkurencijom i intenzivnom kemijom.
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theaters Pariški detektiv


Dvojica privatnih detektiva u pariškom hotelu istražuju ubojstvo, dok se gost nateže sa svojom nesretnom ženom i gleda kako podmiriti dug promotoru borbi.
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theaters Pariz


Mladi plesač koji zbog problema zbog srcem mora mirovati i čekati operaciju sa svojom sestrom pozorno promatra ulice Pariza.
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theaters Paskal

They trained, fought, and bled -- together. Now, the best of the best will be put to the test.
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theaters Passport

A pair of men from vastly different backgrounds recruit a street-smart sidekick to help recover a stolen passport in time to catch an important flight.
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theaters Pasutri Gaje

A newlywed couple navigates the ups and downs of married life while dealing with the challenges of starting a family.
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theaters Patriot

The Patriot

After his eldest son joins the American Revolution, a widower heads into battle himself as the war threatens what he cherishes most.
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theaters Pattathu Arasan

After a tragedy hits a broken family, an estranged grandfather and grandson seek vengeance against a scornful village through the sport of kabaddi.
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theaters Pau, la força d'un silenci

The Power of Silence

Majstorski glazbenik koji za Drugog svjetskog rata živi u egzilu svojom se umjetnošću bori protiv rata i okrutne diktature u svojoj zemlji.
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