Drame: 2424 naslova


theaters Snježno bratstvo

Society of the Snow

Nakon što im se avion sruši u zabačenom dijelu Anda, preživjeli se udruže i postanu najbolja nada za opstanak jedni drugima dok se pokušavaju vratiti kući.
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theaters So Little Time

Mlada glazbenica iz višeg staleža i njemački pukovnik koji je okupirao njezin grad u Belgiji tijekom II. svjetskog rata zaljube se preko zajedničke strasti za glazbom.
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theaters Sodium Day

Chaos breaks out at a Cape Flats high school as a ragtag group of seniors deal with substitute teachers, privileged visitors, armed gangsters and more.
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theaters Soldiers in the Camp

When a man joins the armed forces, he learns that a fellow soldier has a vendetta against him. To escape the avenger, he enters a sham marriage.
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theaters Solo

With each wave, he's slowly drowning ... in memories of failed relationships, past selfishness and unspoken apologies.
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theaters Solo Cose Belle

Only Good Things

Kada se u grad doseli velika obitelj s udomljenom djecom, stanovnici odluče istjerati je. Međutim, jedna 16-godišnjakinja pomaže im da ostanu.
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theaters Something Necessary

In this drama, a woman rebuilding her life meets a young man seeking redemption in the wake of the civil unrest caused by the 2007 election in Kenya.
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theaters Sometimes

Seven people from different walks of life, sharing one long day of waiting for results of a test no one had hoped to take.
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theaters Sonámbulos

Sleep Walkers

Tijekom suđenja u Burgosu 1970. Ana i njezina majka María Rosa bore se protiv Francovog režima. Međutim, Anin stric Norman ima skrivene namjere.
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theaters Song of the South

As French colonial rule reaches a violent end in Vietnam, a 12-year-old boy makes a treacherous journey in search of his estranged father.
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theaters Soni

Being cops makes them powerful. But being female puts them at a disadvantage. Amid double standards, can they make a change?
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theaters Soorma

Doctors told him he’d never get back on his feet again. He chose to listen to his heart instead.
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theaters Sorga Vaasal

When an ordinary man is imprisoned, he finds himself caught in a system of corruption and savagery as he fights to survive through the terrifying ordeal.
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theaters Sortilèges


Umjesto da radi svoj posao i pomaže putnicima izbjeći planinske mećave, zvonar zloupotrebljava svoju moć i terorizira praznovjerne seljane.
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theaters Soul Boy

A teen determined to recover his father's seemingly missing soul completes seven daunting tasks that take him across his sprawling Nairobi shantytown.
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theaters Spaceman

Šest mjeseci nakon odlaska na solo misiju usamljeni astronaut suoči se s problemima u svojem braku uz pomoć tajanstvena bića koje otkrije na brodu.
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theaters Spaljeni mostovi

Burned Bridges

U belgijskom seocetu Verbrande Brug bivši ljubavnici Monique i Louis ponovo se povežu na karnevalu, uzrokujući dramu svojim trenutačnim partnerima.
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theaters Sparrows Can't Sing

Mornar se vrati nakon dvogodišnje plovidbe i zatekne svoju kuću u ruševinama, dok mu supruga živi s oženjenim vozačem autobusa.
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