ondemand_video Anitta: Preko favela do zvijezda
Naporan rad, zarazni taktovi i nefiltrirana stvarnost. Iskusi sasvim drukčiji pogled iza pozornice. Ona se ne ustručava.
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Naporan rad, zarazni taktovi i nefiltrirana stvarnost. Iskusi sasvim drukčiji pogled iza pozornice. Ona se ne ustručava.
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Singers. Dancers. Legends. Japan's No. 1 group has captured fans' hearts for 20 years. Now they embark on a new journey.
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Sviđa joj se što vidi i želi to dobiti, no ne bi uspjela bez pomoći prijatelja, obitelji i odanih obožavatelja.
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Looking back on her long career, the memories are almost too many to count. And her music? It's forever timeless.
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His music. His life. His loves. An acclaimed actor reveals himself — and sings his heart out — to a sold-out house.
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Slažu savršene stihove otkad su bili klinci. Sad žive svoj san i dijele ga s obitelji.
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Grupa BLAKCPINK nastala je kad su se spojila četiri jedinstvena glasa. Zajedno predvode svjetsku pop revoluciju.
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Iskusi insajderski pogled u nevjerojatan utjecaj Davida Bowieja na glazbu, umjetnost i kulturu kroz intervjue s ljudima koji su ga najbolje poznavali.
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Explore the hit songs from the Will Smith film "Bright" in these music videos from Machine Gun Kelly, Bastille, Logic, Migos and friends.
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He became the king of flamenco, but never forgot his roots. The history conveyed in his voice resonated with the world.
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A man of few words, he bared his soul through the music of his people and brought flamenco to the world.
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From Bruce Springsteen to Whitney Houston and beyond, one label executive transformed popular music, hit by hit.
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Legendarna mentorica i umjetnica. Predani mladi plesači. Zaviri iza kulisa ovog novog blagdanskog klasika.
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Pjesmom je mijenjala svijet, a sada je vrijeme da joj drugi odaju počast i pruže novi pogled na njezino životno djelo.
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Od prošlosti borbe do budućnosti društvenih promjena. Na ovoj povijesnoj pozornici, on odlučuje premostiti taj jaz.
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He's a boozy, washed-up musician. She's bitter over their lost dreams. Can anything bring this couple together again?
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She's an artist and icon who pours her heart into her work. An intimate look at her life, beyond the glitter and glam.
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Intimate, close and full of fun. Gen Hoshino brings his brand of warmth and excitement to a sold out crowd of 50,000 fans.
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The man. The music. The movement. From the red carpet to the studio, the chart-topping artist invites you along for the ride.
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Ovaj glazbeni dokumentarac donosi intervjue iza pozornice i koncertne snimke švedske pop skupine na vrhuncu popularnosti početkom 1980-ih.
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