Filmovi strave: 278 naslova


theaters Ulica straha, 3. dio: 1666.

Fear Street Part 3: 1666

Odlaskom u 1666. Deena sazna istinu o Sari Fier. Vrativši se u 1994., prijatelji se bore za svoje živote... i za budućnost Shadysidea.
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theaters Umma

Living a quiet life on a farm with her daughter, a woman must confront her past when the remains of her estranged mother arrive from Korea.
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theaters Uznemiren


Tehnički poduzetnik nakon prometne se nesreće probudi u napuštenoj bolnici, gdje ga progone košmarska priviđenja i zastrašujuća nova stvarnost.
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theaters V for Vengeance

Two estranged vampire sisters join forces to rescue their long-lost sibling and take down the bloodthirsty clan that murdered their parents.
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theaters Vampyres

Par vampirica mami naivne putnike u svoj seoski dom na nesputani seks s krvavim posljedicama.
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theaters Veronica

In 1991 Madrid, after holding a séance at school, a teen girl minding her younger siblings at home suspects an evil force has entered their apartment.
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theaters Vikinški vuk

Viking Wolf

Posvjedočivši grotesknom ubojstvu na zabavi u gradiću u koji se tek doselila, tinejdžerica počne imati neobične vizije i bizarne snove.
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theaters Virupaksha

When a man visits his ancestral village, where terror reigns after a chain of unexplained deaths, he must unravel mystical secrets before it’s too late.
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theaters Virupaksha (Kannada)

When a man visits his ancestral village, where terror reigns after a chain of unexplained deaths, he must unravel mystical secrets before it’s too late.
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theaters Virupaksha (Malayalam)

When a man visits his ancestral village, where terror reigns after a chain of unexplained deaths, he must unravel mystical secrets before it’s too late.
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theaters Virupaksha (Tamil)

When a man visits his ancestral village, where terror reigns after a chain of unexplained deaths, he must unravel mystical secrets before it’s too late.
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theaters Vojska mrtvih

Army of the Dead

Vegas je pustara puna zombija. No za 200 milijuna oni su spremni kockati se nemogućom pljačkom.
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theaters Vrata do

Next Door

Kada mladić kojeg je upravo ostavila djevojka prihvati zanimljiv poziv svojih dviju seksi susjeda, završi zarobljen u krvavoj noćnoj mori u stanu vrata do.
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theaters Vukodlaci Trećeg Reicha

Werewolves Of The Third Reich

Šarolika ekipa zarobljenih američkih vojnika zvana Neustrašiva četvorka u ovom se horor-filmu susretne s rezultatom grozomornog nacističkog eksperimenta.
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theaters Wounds

A mysterious cell phone, unsettling texts -- and a mounting sense of dread. Some wounds don't heal. They only get worse.
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theaters Zlo


Financijski zločinac, ekscentrična transseksualka, kanibalistički genijalni idiot i ubojica intelektualac dijele ćeliju i pronađu dnevnik koji bi mogao biti ključ bijega.
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theaters Žeteoc duša

Soul Reaper

Na momačkoj zabavi u izoliranoj šumskoj kolibi zavlada strava nakon što sudionici počnu nestajati jedan za drugim.
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