theaters Tom Segura: Mostly Stories
Naked old men. Naughty nurse fantasies. Racially charged small talk with Dad. Stop him when it gets awkward.
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Naked old men. Naughty nurse fantasies. Racially charged small talk with Dad. Stop him when it gets awkward.
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Wary of the effects of his good looks on others, a shut-in agrees to attend high school for the first time and meets a girl who's immune to his charm.
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An aspiring young filmmaker with a side hustle selling pirated movies on the street meets a headstrong woman he's determined to win over.
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Vlasnici luksuzne toskanske vile ugošćuju zaručene parove i njihove goste koji idu na predivna, no katkad i zbunjujuća vjenčanja.
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U ovom nizu skečeva koji obrađuju društvenu, kulturnu i političku problematiku šašavi likovi iz svih slojeva društva snalaze se u neobičnim situacijama.
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Razočarani dizajner namještaja odluči pokupiti obitelj i emigrirati u Australiju, no plan mu ugroze nestala mačka i druge poteškoće.
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After a near-death experience, he's back in the spotlight with a raunchy set that's steeped in self-reflection.
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Fresh out of jail, three boozy buddies discover their trailer park's gone to hell. Time for another white-trash war!
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You thought the boys would actually sober up? Not until after they change the world.
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They've seen enough Al Pacino movies to know you have to hide your loot. Regrettably, they're not Al Pacino.
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Three dim bulb pals just got out of jail with a brilliant plan: stealing enough coins to go straight. That'll work.
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Nino radi kao konobar na talijanskom otoku Capriju, gdje se zaljubi u mladu ženu s bogatim i njemu ne baš naklonjenim ocem.
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Njoj treba lažni tata koji će joj dopustiti da se prijavi na BMX utrku. On je glumac koji vozi taksi. Svi zadovoljni.
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A man who's returned to his hometown to bury his late mother gets dragged by his brother into a treasure hunt that quickly spirals into mayhem.
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Sexism. Racism. Colonialism. He attacks the world's worst "isms" with killer wit ... and a few fake accents.
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Dobitnik Emmyja, komičar Trevor Noah, govori o učenju njemačkog, pričanju loših stvari o mrtvima, osuđivanju ljudi u hororcima i naručivanju indijske hrane u Škotskoj.
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Forget the hot-button issues from his day job. Trevor steps away from the desk for a charmingly personal stand-up special.
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The Trolls have too many holidays. The Bergens have exactly none. It's time to create a reason to celebrate!
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He’s not actually a hit man ... but don’t tell the CIA, DEA or Venezuelan rebels. This novelist's story just got real.
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Trojica kladioničara željna brze i lake zarade smisle tupav plan: oteti trkaćeg konja i slavnog džokeja, a zatim ih zamijeniti s dvojnicima.
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