Kriminalistički filmovi: 829 naslova


theaters Adio, prijatelju

Farewell, Friend

Nakon neuspješne pljačke dvojica bivših vojnika zajednički pokušavaju pobjeći iz zaključanog trezora... i od još gorih nevolja koje ih očekuju izvan njega.
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theaters Agent na tajnom zadatku


Samotni agent MI5-a ode na tajni zadatak kako bi uništio zločinačku bandu. Međutim, među njezinim članovima osjeti zajedništvo kakvo je dotad mogao samo sanjati.
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theaters Agneepath

A boy grows up to become a gangster in pursuit of the mobster who killed his innocent father, but revenge and reparation may come at great costs.
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theaters Agneepath (2012)

After witnessing the murder of his upstanding father, a village boy moves to Mumbai and falls into a life of crime with a singular motive: revenge.
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theaters Aithe

With cops closing in, a crime boss hires four underlings to hijack a plane to get him out of the country. But a secret agenda threatens his plan.
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theaters AKA

Moralnost nepokolebljivog specijalnog operativca nađe se na kušnji kada se infiltrira u zločinačku organizaciju i neočekivano se zbliži sa šefovim mladim sinom.
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theaters Alisonin portret

Postmark for Danger

Umjetnik iz Londona istražuje sumnjivu smrt svojeg brata i mlade glumice u Italiji, no njegova potraga za odgovorima samo otvori dodatna pitanja.
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theaters All Na Vibes

A party takes a dark turn for three teens who are forced to question their futures — and friendship — when a politician's daughter goes missing.
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theaters Alles ist gut

It's a night she's determined to quietly forget. But the reminders are constant -- and the consequences, unavoidable.
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theaters Amanda Knox

The highest court in Italy acquitted her. A rabid public vilified her. What really happened remains a mystery.
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theaters Amandla

Godinama nakon preživljene tragedije u djetinjstvu dvojica braće nađu se na suprotnim stranama zakona dok kriminal povezan s bandama stavlja na kušnju njihovu odanost.
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theaters Amazonke


Nezadovoljne svojim životnim situacijama, četiri žene opljačkaju banku i izvuku se nekažnjene. Zatim prijeđu na veće pothvate... ali policija im se ubrzo nađe za petama.
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theaters Američki gangster

American Gangster

Ambition and corruption clash in 1970s Harlem, where a charismatic drug kingpin rises to power and faces off with an upright detective and deadly rivals.
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theaters Američki psiho

American Psycho

Biznismen istesanog tijela i izgleda koji skriva njegovo ludilo patološki se ponosi svojim japijevskim pothvatima te se predaje naglim napadajima ubilačkog nagona.
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theaters Amigos

When a man discovers his two doppelgängers online, he finds new connections in life and love — but danger lurks when a hidden criminal past emerges.
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theaters Anaamika

As a woman scours Hyderabad for her missing husband, she becomes entangled in a conspiracy that suggests there’s more to the mystery than meets the eye.
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theaters Anatomija zla

Anatomy of Evil

Snajperistove oči mogle bi mu donijeti spasenje, ali najprije mora uvjeriti posramljenog vojnika da gleda umjesto njega.
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theaters Animal

The hardened son of a powerful industrialist returns home after years abroad and vows to take bloody revenge on those threatening his father's life.
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