Serije snimljene prema mangama: 136 naslova


ondemand_video Rođak s drugog svijeta

Uncle from Another World

Probudivši se iznenada iz kome nakon 17 godina, Takafumijev sredovječni stric počne govoriti neprepoznatljivim jezikom i iskazivati magične moći.
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ondemand_video Romantični ubojica

Romantic Killer

Anzu uživa u samačkom životu i romantika joj nije ni u primislima... sve dok joj sićušni ljubavni posrednik ne pretvori život u klišej romantičnu komediju.
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ondemand_video Rookies

Led by their fervent teacher, a high school baseball team full of delinquents vows to make it all the way to the national championship tournament.
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ondemand_video Smoking

They appear out of nowhere to eviscerate evil with brutal precision -- then like a trail of smoke, they’re gone.
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ondemand_video SPRIGGAN

Artefakti drevne civilizacije na Zemlji kriju opasne moći. ARCAM-ovi agenti napadači moraju se pobrinuti da oni ne padnu u pogrešne ruke.
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ondemand_video SPY x FAMILY

A spy, an assassin and a telepath come together to pose as a family, each for their own reasons, while hiding their true identities from each other.
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ondemand_video Stay Tuned!

She has her colleagues at the network at a loss for words. She’s a walking disaster, but where she goes, great TV follows!
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ondemand_video Šamanski kralj


Medij Yoh Asakura natječe se na turniru koji se održava svakih 500 godina gdje se on i drugi šamani bore za titulu svemoćnog Šamanskog kralja.
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ondemand_video T・P BON

Nakon što nehotice intervenira u slučaju Vremenske patrole, Bon se mora pridružiti agentici Ream u spašavanju života nedužnih iz prošlosti dok gleda kako se sve odvija.
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ondemand_video Talentless TAKANO

She looks super competent at work but has no idea what she's doing. He seems like a mess, but he's great at his job. Together — they make quite a team.
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