ondemand_video A Life : A Love
After honing his skills in America for 10 years, a surgeon returns to Japan and reunites with old friends, hidden enemies — and his married ex-fiancee.
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After honing his skills in America for 10 years, a surgeon returns to Japan and reunites with old friends, hidden enemies — and his married ex-fiancee.
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Nanase fell in love with Dr. Tendo five years ago. Now she's a nurse and ready to meet him again. But he's nothing like the nice guy she thought he was!
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Strastveni tim zdravstvenih djelatnika predan je spašavanju života u užurbanoj javnoj bolnici u kojoj im puls ubrzavaju napetost i romanse.
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A brilliant surgeon with a reputation for being difficult battles his colleagues' incompetence — and a new medical device that could make him obsolete.
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Putting aside their disdain for each other, a kindhearted detective and an arrogant neuroscientist team up to solve a series of mind-bending crimes.
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Imaš ga. Upotrebljavaš ga svaki dan. No znaš li kako radi? Istraži najkompleksniji stroj na svijetu: ljudsko tijelo.
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Nekoć školski suparnici, dvoje genijalnih liječnika slučajno se ponovno susretnu u trenutku kada im ne ide najbolje u životu i neočekivano pronađu utjehu jedno u drugome.
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Talentirani kirurg koji ima autizam i sindrom savanta pridruži se prestižnoj bolnici, u kojoj ga dočeka skepticizam i pacijenata i osoblja.
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Dvadeset godina nakon što je odustala od medicinske karijere kućanica postane specijalizantica prve godine te se pokušava naviknuti na posao pun iznenađenja.
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A compassionate obstetrician — who's also a gifted pianist — devotes himself to guiding his patients through the miracle and challenges of childbirth.
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The ghost of an arrogant surgeon with a golden touch possesses the body of a first-year resident, making him the most sought-after physician overnight.
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U ovoj uzbudljivoj dokumentarnoj seriji pratimo njujorške medicinske stručnjake iz hitnih službi koji pokušavaju balansirati intenzitet posla i osobne živote.
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Despite being urged to flee, brave paramedic Nadezhda remains in Kharkiv as war erupts in 2022, putting her own life at risk to save others.
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Pisac Michael Pollan u ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji istražuje povijest i načine upotrebe psihodeličnih droga, uključujući LSD, psilocibin, MDMA-u i meskalin.
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Zatrudnjevši nakon što pijana oplodi samu sebe spremom bivšeg dečka, liječnica za plodnost pokušava objasniti svoju trudnoću... i ponovo osvojiti izgubljenu ljubav.
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Dr. Paolo Macchiarini svjetski je poznat po svojoj revolucionarnoj transplantaciji dušnika s pomoću matičnih stanica. Postoji samo jedan problem: pacijenti mu umiru.
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Nova medicinska sestra u bolnici posumnja da je želja njezine kolegice za pažnjom povezana s nizom smrti pacijenata. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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A brilliant Japanese neurosurgeon is drawn into darkness when he tries to solve a series of murders involving a patient whose life he once saved.
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A talented but traumatized acupuncturist goes to work in a strange village. While there, he starts to understand the truth of his own troubled past.
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Experience the exciting, essential work of the conservationists who care for the incredible wildlife within South Africa's Shamwari Private Game Reserve.
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