Najgledanije romanse: 100 naslova


theaters Ali's Wedding

To save face for his family, he bent the truth. Now everyone thinks he's a catch. But he risks losing the girl he loves.
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theaters Aloha

Po povratku na Havaje zbog lansiranja satelita nabavljač vojne opreme ubrzo se zaljubi i u svoju bivšu ljubav i u živahnu vojnu pratnju.
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theaters Always Be My Maybe

They were childhood sweethearts. Now they live in different worlds. The chemistry's still there -- but will the timing ever be right?
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theaters Before I Fall

A popular teen's life seemed perfect until she died ... and then died again. Now, she must question everything.
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theaters Blagdanski par


Žele samo društvo za ismijavanje stranaca tijekom blagdana. Bez pritiska i bez izgleda da će završiti u vezi.
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theaters Blue Jay

It's been 20 years since their teenage romance, but their special connection is still there. And so are past hurts.
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theaters Bože, koliko te volim

God, How Much I Love You

Mlada žena sa skromnim primanjima pretvara se da je bogata princeza u nadi da će impresionirati zaručnika svoje prijateljice.
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theaters Bridget Jones: Na rubu pameti

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

U nastavku popularnog prvog dijela nekoć solo Bridget otkriva da život s novim partnerom nije baš idealan kao što je očekivala da će biti.
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theaters Bridget Jones's Baby

Svima omiljena neudana Britanka zatrudni i završi u još jednom ljubavnom trokutu, ovaj put sa šarmantnim tajkunom... i onim koji joj je izmaknuo.
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theaters Bridget Jones's Diary

Solo Britanka koja si pokušava srediti život (s ponekad urnebesnim rezultatima) završi u ljubavnom trokutu sa ženskarom Danielom Cleaverom i džentlmenom Markom Darcyjem.
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theaters Burleska


Pjevačica iz malog mjesta traži svoju veliku priliku. Klub u Hollywoodu treba čudo. Vrijeme je za šou!
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theaters Dear Ex

A boy lost a father. A mom lost a husband. A man lost a lover. In the theater of grief, each longs for a proper farewell.
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theaters Dil Se

The sight of her has awakened him to the melodies of his heart. But can music so beautiful be free of pain?
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theaters Djevojka iz susjedstva

The Girl Next Door

Maturant Matthew zaljubi se do ušiju u Danielle, novu curu u gradu. Planove bi mu mogla pokvariti činjenica da je ona prije toga glumila u filmovima za odrasle.
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