theaters Shrek 2
Shrek i Fiona u Dalekom Dalekom Kraljevstvu objave vijest o svojem vjenčanju, no sretan svršetak mogao bi im upropastiti zlokobni plan Princa Očaravajućeg.
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Shrek i Fiona u Dalekom Dalekom Kraljevstvu objave vijest o svojem vjenčanju, no sretan svršetak mogao bi im upropastiti zlokobni plan Princa Očaravajućeg.
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Dok Shrek traga za nasljednikom trona Dalekog Kraljevstva, kod kuće je na putu mali Shrek!
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Bugs Bunny and his pals need the greatest basketball player ever ... so they can beat a team of aliens on the court!
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Deck the halls with holiday magic and get ready for a fun, festive time. It's a gift from the Super Monsters ... to you!
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The Super Monsters work together to make a nervous new student feel welcome. Because that's what monster friends do!
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A magical Monster Match means a lifetime of love, plus special superpowers to go along with it!
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Twinkly lights, starry nights. Santa Claus is coming to Pitchfork Pines -- and there's monster magic in the air!
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It’s Halloween, and the Super Monsters are ready to celebrate -- with candy, costumes and music to get you in the mood!
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Sun down, monsters up in Ciudad Monstruo for a celebration filled with magic, colorful creatures and super monstery fun!
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These monsters won't let a snowy snafu at Santa’s workshop ruin the holidays for everyone. Monster powers to the max!
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The first night of school can be quite a fright, but with new monster friends and new monster powers, it's full of fun!
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Tricks, treats, monster-mallows -- and a night for remembering those we miss. New traditions don't have to be scary!
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Upozorenje: upotrijebiš li svemirsku napravicu na bratu, on mogao bi postati „normalan”. I dobiti moć letenja, naravno.
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Svein, Halvorsen i prijatelji sigurni su da se u umirovljeničkom domu događa nešto zlokobno, a istraga ih odvede do izvanzemaljaca koji starcima kradu mudrost.
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Jednom davno upoznali su vješticu u šumi. No ova priča o Ivici i Marici uvelike se razlikuje od one koja ti je poznata.
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The Trolls have too many holidays. The Bergens have exactly none. It's time to create a reason to celebrate!
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Zovu ga Kradljivac snova, Stvorenje iz noćnih mora. Ona ima jedino ime koje ima moć da ga pobijedi: Dadilja.
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Dvojica demona sklope pogodbu s tinejdžericom pankericom kako bi mogli napustiti Podzemlje i ostvariti svoje snove u Svijetu živih.
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