Filmovi snimljeni prema knjigama: 802 naslova


theaters Tajni prozor

Secret Window

This writer thought being accused of plagiarism was his worst nightmare ... until he met the accuser.
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theaters Tako čist zrak

An Air So Pure

Preobrazivši brvnaru u odmorište za ekscentrične goste i ranjene vojnike, dvojica se prijatelja moraju nositi s apsurdnim situacijama i nadrealnim nasiljem.
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theaters Talentirani gospodin Ripley

The Talented Mr. Ripley

Con artist Tom Ripley charms his way into the lavish life of a charismatic heir — and takes drastic measures to keep his lies from catching up with him.
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theaters Tales from Earthsea

Dok je njihov svijet u rasulu, Velemag povede problematična princa koji ima mračnu stranu u misiju potrage za izvorom zla i spašavanja žena koje vole.
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theaters Tamango

U 19. stoljeću nedavno ulovljen Afrikanac zatočen na brodu s robovima koji putuje prema Kubi organizira pobunu s drugim zarobljenicima.
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theaters Telefon g. Harrigana

Mr. Harrigan's Phone

Dječak i postariji milijarder zbliže se oko ljubavi prema knjigama... i svojim prvim iPhoneovima. No nakon što starac umre, njihova tajanstvena povezanost ne nestaje.
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theaters Tell Me Who I Am

After a twin loses his memory, his brother gifts him with an idyllic childhood. But the truth can’t be hidden forever.
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theaters Teret

The Shiralee

Nakon što kćer odvede od svoje nevjerne supruge, lutalica bez obveza shvati da sloboda ima ograničenja kad se moraš brinuti za dijete.
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theaters Terje Vigen

A Man There Was

U vihoru rata riskirao je sve. Može li nadvladati strašne sile prirode i vlastiti bijes te učiniti pravu stvar?
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theaters Thalaivii

This biopic charts the life of actor-turned-chief minister Jayaram Jayalalitha and the relationship paving her rapid yet complicated path to power.
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theaters The Angel

As the threat of war grows, one spy sets in motion a plan that will change the course of history. Based on a true story.
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theaters The Byzantine Cat

Tijekom boravka na Cipru, novinarka boravi u Moskovskom državnom cirkusu, posjeti mačji samostan u kojemu mačke imaju čudesne moći te se zaljubi.
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theaters The Climb

He said he'd climb the highest mountain to win her love. Now it's time to prove it. With the whole country watching.
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theaters The Dirt

Outrageous acts. Insatiable addictions. Thundering rock 'n' roll. Mötley Crüe's down-and-dirty autobiography comes to life.
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theaters The Door into Summer

A pioneering roboticist awakens in 2025 after decades in cryosleep. To change the past and reunite with his adopted sister, he seeks a way back to 1995.
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theaters The Fortress

When Qing forces attack the Joseon kingdom in the 17th century, King Injo and his retainers hold their ground at Namhansanseong fortress.
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