Psihološki trileri: 61 naslov


theaters 1922

Coveting his intractable wife's land, he commits an unspeakable crime and inherits it all. Still, a price must be paid.
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theaters Awe

From every walk of life, they couldn't be more different from one another. Except for one way in which they're the same.
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theaters Badla

She has the alibi. He wants the real story. Uncovering the facts won’t be enough -- there are lies to unravel here, too.
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theaters Calibre

A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal.
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theaters Cimerica

The Roommate

A girl's freshman year turns into a crash course in Fear 101. And the final exam is going to be lethal.
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theaters Circle

You're in a torture chamber with 50 people. Victims are dropping like flies. But you can save one. Who will it be?
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theaters Clinical

She's an expert at helping patients cope with trauma. But her own dark memories keep coming back to haunt her.
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theaters Crvena točka

Red Dot

Ubojice progone muža i ženu u ledenoj divljini, iako nisu učinili ništa loše. Ili barem tako misle.
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theaters Deveta vrata

The Ninth Gate

Stručnjak za rijetke knjige u potrazi je za knjigom koja krije nešto zlokobno. Nakon što je pročita, više nema izlaza.
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theaters Fatalni susret

Fatal Affair

Ona ima idealan život. Međutim, kada se trenutak strasti pretvori u noćnu moru, morat će se boriti za ono što voli.
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theaters Forgotten

It all began that tragic night. Sounds only he hears. Nightmares that seem too real. Doubts about his own memories.
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theaters Fractured

In a hospital where nothing is what it seems, he's sure of one thing -- he will find his family. No matter what.
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theaters Geraldova igra

Gerald's Game

Lingerie and handcuffs were meant to spice up their weekend getaway. Instead, they surfaced a wife's darkest fears.
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Šesto čulo probudila je trepanacija. Kakve će tajne otkriti svojim trećim okom dok se pokušava sjetiti svoje prošlosti?
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theaters Igra

The Game

Život hladnog investicijskog bankara postane opasan i paranoičan kada mu brat pokloni neobičan rođendanski dar: priliku da zaigra tajanstvenu igru.
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theaters Irul

A romantic escape just became a deadly trap. But who can she trust — the man she came with, or the man she’s just met?
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