Romantične komedije: 514 naslova


theaters Gola istina

The Ugly Truth

Producentica TV vijesti koja nije u vezi ne slaže se s prostim kolegom u vezi ičega. Ima li nade za ovog zgodnog gada?
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theaters Gospodin savršeni

The Perfect Man

Kako bi podigla samopouzdanje svojoj samohranoj majci, tinejdžerica izmisli tajnog obožavatelja i za ulogu tog udvarača unajmi ujaka svoje prijateljice.
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theaters Halal Love (and Sex)

This film follows four tragic-comic interconnected stories of Beiruti men and women trying to manage between romantic desires and religious devotion.
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theaters Happiest Season

Ready to propose at the holiday gathering, Abby runs into a problem when her partner Harper reveals that her family has no idea that they’re gay.
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theaters Happy End

Živahna, optimistična, ambiciozna glumica koja živi na ulici i obavlja razne poslove postane muza scenarista u potrazi za nadahnućem.
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theaters Het leven is vurrukkulluk

Life is Wonderful

Radeći na novom mjuziklu u amsterdamskom Vondelparku, dvojica najboljih prijatelja upoznaju zagonetnu i nadahnjujuću mladu ženu koja im pobudi kreativnost.
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theaters Hey Sinamika

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Hindi)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Kannada)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Hey Sinamika (Telugu)

An unhappy Mouna plots to divorce her talkative husband Yaazhan, and asks therapist Malarvizhi to woo him — but faces a dilemma when love blooms.
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theaters Himera


Neuspješni pjevač iskoristi priliku da nastupi na nizu koncerata u Rio de Janeiru, no skriveni motivi promotora uskoro će izaći na površinu.
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theaters Hire a Woman

An uptight man attempts to make his ex-girlfriend jealous when he pays his co-worker to act as his lover at a university reunion.
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theaters Hladna dobrodošlica

Kalde Føtter

Nakon što se obogatio u SAD-u, Kalle se vraća kući s jednom jedinom stvari na umu: Trine, najljepšom djevojkom u zemlji.
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theaters Holiday in the Vineyards

While on a secret job for his mother's wine company, a man falls for the widow whose place he's renting. But will the truth spoil their yuletide romance?
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