Sitcomi: 83 naslova


ondemand_video #blackAF

They're Black, unfiltered and keep it real-er than your average family. But in this household, success brings its own struggles.
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ondemand_video Alexa & Katie

Alexa is battling cancer. But with her best friend, Katie, by her side, she's also starting high school — and ready for whatever comes next.
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ondemand_video Archer


Intrigue and cool gadgets only get this cartoon spy so far. Especially when his boss is his emasculating mother.
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ondemand_video Basket


Nema ni trunke časti i srama. No čvrsto je odlučio da će pretvoriti svoju momčad bezveznjaka u pobjednike.
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ondemand_video Becoming Abi

A driven young creative in Lagos lands her dream job at a leading advertising agency and navigates the corporate ladder in hopes of making it big.
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ondemand_video Bogu najdraži idiot

God's Favorite Idiot

Čini se da je dragi Clark posljednja osoba koju bi Bog odabrao za borbu protiv zla... ali trebat će mu pomoć simpatije iz ureda i dobrih prijatelja kako bi spasio svijet.
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ondemand_video Brooklyn 99

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Kad postaju preuzme strogi novi kapetan, genijalni, ali neozbiljni njujorški detektiv Jake Peralta mora postati timski igrač i naučiti igrati po pravilima.
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ondemand_video Country utjeha

Country Comfort

Njezin uspon prema slavi morat će pričekati kad pronađe mjesto na kojem bi se mogla skrasiti i posao pun iznenađenja.
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ondemand_video Crashing

They're young, they're attractive, they're in love. They're also broke and renting living space in a derelict hospital.
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ondemand_video Cure iz Derryja

Derry Girls

Uslijed političkog konflikta u Sjevernoj Irskoj 1990-ih petero srednjoškolaca nosi se s univerzalnim izazovima tinejdžerskog života.
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ondemand_video Derek

He's a nursing home attendant with no money, no smarts and no game. And he's the luckiest guy in the world.
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