Drame o socijalnim problemima: 415 naslova


theaters Gorštačka elegija

Hillbilly Elegy

Tri naraštaja povezana ljubavlju i teškoćama. Najmlađi je na rubu novoga života, no obitelj ga iznenada pozove kući.
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theaters Gospođica Julie

Miss Julie

Kći vlasnika imanja Julie raskine zaruke te se zaljubi u člana osoblja. Romansa koja je počela nevino završi tragedijom.
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theaters Grad iz mojih snova

City Of My Dreams

Siromašni nadničar sa sela dođe u brzorastući Stockholm i započne novi život pun izazova. Snimljeno prema knjizi Pera Andersa Fogelströma.
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theaters Guilty

A shocking allegation. A defiant defense. A loyal girlfriend. He may be accused of the crime — but who's really being punished?
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theaters Guru

Ambitious Gurukant Desai ignores his father's advice and leaves his village to find success in Turkey.
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theaters Hablar


Dvadeset priča snimljenih u jednom kadru isprepliće se na madridskom trgu Lavapiés, a svaka od njih priziva moć riječi, razgovora i komunikacije.
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theaters Haifa Street

In 2006, amid U.S. occupation, one of Baghdad's iconic streets becomes the center of sectarian conflict when a masked sniper shoots a mysterious stranger.
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theaters Here Comes the Rain

Abducted during the Lebanese Civil War and now in his 50s, Ramez is finally a free man. But he returns to society deeply traumatized by the past.
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theaters Heroj Bollywooda

Bollywood Hero

Snimajući bolivudski film u Mumbaiju, nizozemski glumac nehotice prouzroči nesreću koja ga nagna da pomogne nesretnim ljudima koji ga okružuju.
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theaters High Flying Bird

A lockout leaves a rookie baller and his agent scrambling for money and answers. But what if they don't need the league at all?
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theaters Hijakint

Operation Hyacinth

Nezadovoljan rezultatom istrage ubojstva u varšavskoj gay zajednici, policajac u komunističkoj Poljskoj 1980-ih naumi otkriti istinu.
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theaters Hizia

As the police close in on a flustered stranger at Louise’s building, he hastily hands her his most precious possession: his infant daughter.
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theaters Hurdang

In 1990, a brash college student gets drawn into an uproar surrounding a critical bill that will affect India’s education system.
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theaters Imigrantica

Illegal Woman

Našavši se u mreži korupcije, imigracijski odvjetnik i Nigerijka udruže se kako bi otkrili istinu iza sumnjive smrti u pritvoru.
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theaters Ingeborg Holm

Dva nijema filma djelo su redatelja Victora Sjöströma, pokretača prvog zlatnog doba švedske kinematografije, koji je poslije ostvario uspješnu karijeru i u Hollywoodu.
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theaters Ingoma

A schoolteacher tells his students the story of his life before he found success, navigating betrayal, financial hardship and selling drugs.
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theaters Interrogation

In this fact-based drama, politically motivated cops in Andhra Pradesh set out to frame four Tamil laborers for a crime, torturing them to no avail.
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