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theaters #Živ


S druge strane vrata, horde zaraženih čekaju svoju sljedeću žrtvu, a on je sam, zarobljen i bez izbora.
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theaters 10 dana dobrog čovjeka

10 Days of a Good Man

Preuzevši slučaj nestale osobe, odvjetnik koji je postao privatni detektiv krene na neočekivano putovanje koje će mu iz temelja promijeniti život.
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theaters 10 dana lošeg čovjeka

10 Days of a Bad Man

Izmučen i slomljen, obudovjeli privatni istražitelj mora raspetljati mrežu laži kako bi razotkrio istinu o ubojstvu u vili.
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theaters 10 dana znatiželjnog čovjeka

10 Days of a Curious Man

Kada u Istanbulu nestane mlada žena, ojađeni pisac uplete se u smrtonosni niz događaja kada je odluči pronaći... i dobiti dobru priču za članak.
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theaters 11:11

When a troubled lawyer attempts suicide in his car, the stray bullet triggers a series of events intertwining the lives of three strangers.
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theaters 1922

Coveting his intractable wife's land, he commits an unspeakable crime and inherits it all. Still, a price must be paid.
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theaters 22 July

Families, shattered. A nation, stunned. A story of grief, strength and resilience in the face of hate. Based on real events.
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theaters 30. March

A fugitive from a crime he doesn't recall committing, Ali sets out to uncover the truth with the help of his friends and finds himself in grave danger.
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theaters 40 Sticks

When their prison bus crashes in a forest on a rainy night, a group of criminals finds themselves battling wild animals and a mysterious killer.
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theaters 4th Republic

Blood has been spilled in an election that's beyond rigged. How much more will be shed for the truth to be exposed?
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theaters A Fall from Grace

A divorce. A surprise second love. A devastating discovery. Now she's accused of murder. And a rookie lawyer is her only hope.
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theaters A Lot Like Love

An heiress and her husband — who's also her father's most trusted aide — have a romantic weekend getaway disrupted when things take a nightmarish turn.
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theaters A Ranjith Cinema

A young filmmaker starts adding horror-filled fictional events to a screenplay based on his life — and questions his sanity when they start coming true.
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theaters A Tor Bella Monaca non piove mai

Dvojica braće promijene si živote u nadi da će napustiti surovu četvrt u kojoj su odrasli. No može li ih put poštenja doista odvesti iz predgrađa na bolje mjesto?
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theaters Aapla Manus

When a man falls from his balcony, an investigator questions the victim’s family, determined to uncover a darker truth behind the alleged accident.
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theaters Aaviri

A tragic past. A new beginning. An unknown evil. They came here looking for peace -- now they’re fighting the paranormal.
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theaters Ad Vitam

Nakon što njega i njegovu trudnu ženu napadnu u njihovu domu, bivši elitni agent nađe se usred smrtonosne potjere povezane s njegovom bolnom prošlošću.
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theaters Adhugo

A different breed of hero on the hoof. An adventure to make audiences snort with laughter.
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theaters Adio, prijatelju

Farewell, Friend

Nakon neuspješne pljačke dvojica bivših vojnika zajednički pokušavaju pobjeći iz zaključanog trezora... i od još gorih nevolja koje ih očekuju izvan njega.
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theaters Afwaah

A woman seeks to escape her engagement to a violent politician, but when a stranger comes to her aid, the two face an onslaught of bigotry and hate.
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