Turska produkcija: 77 naslova


theaters 10 dana dobrog čovjeka

10 Days of a Good Man

Preuzevši slučaj nestale osobe, odvjetnik koji je postao privatni detektiv krene na neočekivano putovanje koje će mu iz temelja promijeniti život.
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theaters 10 dana lošeg čovjeka

10 Days of a Bad Man

Izmučen i slomljen, obudovjeli privatni istražitelj mora raspetljati mrežu laži kako bi razotkrio istinu o ubojstvu u vili.
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theaters 10 dana znatiželjnog čovjeka

10 Days of a Curious Man

Kada u Istanbulu nestane mlada žena, ojađeni pisac uplete se u smrtonosni niz događaja kada je odluči pronaći... i dobiti dobru priču za članak.
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theaters 4N1K Düğün

Right before her wedding, a bride loses her memory due to an accident — and her groom must scramble to win her heart again before the big day.
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ondemand_video Andropauza

Man on Pause

Pedesetogodišnji obiteljski čovjek koji ulazi u andropauzu postane opsjednut promjenama i odluči pronaći sreću. A onda katastrofalno zezne stvari.
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ondemand_video Aplauz, molim

A Round of Applause

Boreći se s egzistencijalnom krizom i žudeći za svojim bivšim životom u naranči, muškarac se u ovoj drami čija radnja pokriva desetljeća nosi sa svojom šašavom obitelji.
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ondemand_video Asaf

Otac se nakon mučnog razvoda nađe u svijetu organiziranog kriminala. U želji da spasi svojeg sina, na koji će se potez odlučiti?
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theaters Bi̇z Si̇ze Döneri̇z

Six close friends and recent university grads embark on a messy journey toward adulthood as they navigate first jobs, new loves and bitter betrayals.
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theaters Brother in Love 2

On the eve of his wedding, a young man must deal with the trouble caused by an unexpected guest — his bride's former brother-in-law.
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theaters Daj da povjerujem

Make Me Believe

Dvije znatiželjne starice organiziraju susret svoje odrasle unučadi pa se ponovno rasplamsaju njihove mladenačke simpatije, ali i negdašnje nesuglasice.
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ondemand_video Drugo ja

Another Self

Tri prijateljice otputuju u primorski gradić, gdje rade na svojoj duhovnosti i moraju se suočiti s neriješenim traumama iz prošlosti svojih obitelji.
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theaters Dušica


Obitelj se nakon tragična gubitka preseli u grad. Kad se 30 g. poslije ponovo okupe u gradiću iz kojega su otišli, na površinu isplivaju zakopani osjećaji i bolne tajne.
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theaters Edis Starlight

This documentary follows Turkish singer and songwriter Edis Görgülü as he reflects on the ups and downs of his journey to stardom.
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theaters Festival trubadura

The Festival of Troubadours

Neočekivani ponovni susret putujućeg glazbenika i njegova sina otvori stare rane kada njih dvojica krenu na dugo putovanje do trubadurskog festivala.
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theaters Fig Jam

A struggling screenwriter falls for an eccentric woman who leaves short notes around his flat, but a tragic reality soon catches up to them.
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theaters First Love

A family living in a coastal town in the '90s wrestles with the unexpected return of a long-lost family member as a young son experiences his first love.
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theaters Game of Love

With his dad’s shop threatened by commercial development, Ali decides to change the building contractor’s mind by making his daughter fall for him.
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ondemand_video Groblje


Policijska načelnica Önem vodi jedinicu za posebne istrage koja rješava teške slučajeve nasilja nad ženama.
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theaters Happy Family Journal

After a retired colonel falls from a rooftop and injures himself, his estranged children come together as secrets bubble to the surface.
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