Mia and Me

thumbnail Izvorni naslov: Mia and Me
serija, 2012.

Broj dostupnih sezona: 1
Broj dostupnih nastavaka: 26

Hrvatska sinkronizacija
Jezici zvuka: engleski (izvorni), talijanski

Hrvatski titlovi
Ostali titlovi: engleski

Slika: HD (1080p)
Zvuk: Surround (5.1)

Dodano: 31. prosinca 2018.

Dostupno još 9 mjeseci.


A mysterious gift from her late parents sends 12-year-old Mia into an enchanted world of elves, unicorns and an evil queen named Panthea.

Žanrovi: crtići, dječji program, talijanske serije

Vanjske poveznice:
IMDb TMDb Netflix

2. sezona

1The Mysterious VisitorEN
2Behind the CurtainEN
3The Animal GuardiansEN
4Dragons in DangerEN
5The Ghost of Blackwood ForestEN
6The Spell of Green FluidEN
7Beyond the Wall of VinesEN
8A Father’s FeatherEN
9Speaking with StonesEN
10Dancing with StarsEN
11The Unwanted RoommateEN
12That’s What Friends Are ForEN
13Return to Panthea’s CastleEN
14The Whistling BoloboEN
15My Name is VariaEN
16Crossing the Rainbow BridgeEN
17Taking SidesEN
18A Shower of PollenEN
19The Fiery FlowerEN
20Journey to the NorthEN
21The Unicorn KingEN
22The Rainbow SpringEN
23Hide and SeekEN
24A Sticky SituationEN
25The Strongest TeamEN
26Breaking the SpellEN