Thomas and Friends

thumbnail Izvorni naslov: Thomas & Friends
serija, 1984.

Broj dostupnih sezona: 0
Broj dostupnih nastavaka: 46

Hrvatska sinkronizacija
Jezici zvuka: engleski (izvorni), njemački, talijanski

Hrvatski titlovi
Ostali titlovi: njemački, engleski, talijanski

Dodano: 17. travnja 2020.
Uklonjeno 21. kolovoza 2023.


This animated children's series follows the adventures of Thomas, a cheerful blue tank engine who lives on the island of Sodor.

Žanrovi: crtići, dječji program, serije prema književnom predlošku, britanska produkcija

Vanjske poveznice:
IMDb TMDb Netflix

2. sezona

1An Engine of Many ColoursENIT
2What Rebecca DoesENIT
3Tiger TroubleENIT
4Thomas Goes to BollywoodENIT
5Cyclone ThomasENIT
6Kangaroo ChristmasENIT
7Runaway TruckENIT
8Banjo and the BushfireENIT
9Number One EngineENIT
10The Water WheelENIT
11Thomas in the WildENIT
12Thomas and the DragonENIT
13Thomas and the Monkey PalaceENIT
14Trusty TrunkyENIT
15School of DuckENIT
16Seeing is BelievingENIT
17Samson & the FireworksENIT
18The Case of the Puzzling PartsENIT
19Apology ImpossibleENIT
20Rosie is RedENIT
21Counting on NiaENIT
22Forever and EverENIT
23Hunt the TruckENIT
24Thomas' Animal ArkENIT
25Confusion Without DelayENIT
26Outback ThomasENIT