Dodano 19. listopada 2018. - 23 naslova


ondemand_video Marvel: Daredevil

Marvel's Daredevil

U nesreći u djetinjstvu izgubio je vid. No sada „vidi” još i bolje i ne sviđa mu se ono što se zbiva u Hell's Kitchenu.
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ondemand_video Distorted

Their attempt to expose corruption cost them their dreams -- and more. But injustice only fuels their fight for justice.
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ondemand_video Haunted

Stvarni ljudi. Stvarne priče. Stvarno zastrašujuće. Stvari koje su vidjeli grozne su i ne prestaju ih proganjati.
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ondemand_video Stvaranje ubojice

Making a Murderer

Dokazi su možda podmetnuti. Osumnjičenik je možda maltretiran. Dvojica zatvorenika bore se za svoje živote.
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theaters Naa Bangaaru Talli

A father leading a dark double life and his daughter, who's eager to pursue her studies in Hyderabad, face the tragic consequences of sex trafficking.
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theaters Pakao na horizontu

Deepwater Horizon

Ova dramatizacija eksplozije na naftnoj platformi 2010. opisuje i 12 sati koji su prethodili toj kolosalnoj katastrofi prouzročenoj ljudskom rukom.
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theaters S Storm

The stakes are high. The body count's growing. So the ICAC and police are taking a gamble -- they're betting on justice.
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ondemand_video The Judgement

A shocking betrayal. A spiral of scorn. Her college life is becoming a nightmare -- and pushing her closer to the brink.
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