Dodano 18. siječnja 2019. - 24 naslova


theaters Close

One's prepared for anything. The other's been given everything. To survive what's coming, these women will have to trust each other.
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ondemand_video Grace i Frankie

Grace and Frankie

Grace i Frankie misle da u umirovljeničkim danima neće biti iznenađenja... Dok im muževi ne objave da su zaljubljeni.
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theaters IO

A ruined world. A mass exodus. A dutiful daughter. She's looking for signs of life. And one just dropped from the sky.
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ondemand_video Marvel: Punisher

Marvel's The Punisher

Frank Castle bježi i od svoje prošlosti i od kriminalaca. U kriminalnom podzmelju postaje poznat kao Punisher.
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theaters Na putu do zvijezda

Pitch Perfect

Beca se pridruži a cappella zboru Belle i osvježi njihov uštogljeni stil kako bi bile spremne suočiti se s muškim zborom na sveučilišnom natjecanju.
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theaters Patria

Paco Ignacio Taibo II brings his book trilogy to life, highlighting Mexico's history in 1854-1867, a period he considers foundational to the country.
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theaters Psiho


In this remake of the 1960s classic, Marion Crane stops at the Bates Motel, only to encounter Norman Bates, a man with a lot of secrets to hide.
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theaters Ray

A life story packed with tragedy and triumph, sin and redemption -- all of it set to the sounds of his soul.
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theaters Soni

Being cops makes them powerful. But being female puts them at a disadvantage. Amid double standards, can they make a change?
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theaters Veliki Lebowski

The Big Lebowski

Ležerni tip Jeff Lebowski zvan „Dude” slučajno se nađe usred kaosa golemih razmjera kad ga zamijene za drugog muškarca s istim prezimenom.
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theaters Zemlja kartela

Cartel Land

The Mexican drug war is a terrifying juggernaut. Those at its fringes hope to contain it. Those inside plan to survive.
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