Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6238 naslova


theaters Serendip

Ovaj dokumentarac prati suosnivače dobrotvorne organizacioje Take Me Back koja djeci u zabačenim predjelima Šri Lanke dostavlja potrepštine za školu.
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theaters Sergio

He was a casualty of a war he opposed. An unforgettable hero finally gets the tribute he deserves.
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theaters Sergio

Godinama je rješavao probleme svijeta. Sad je pronašao ljubav, a i novi san. No posljednja bi misija mogla sve ugroziti.
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theaters Sestra Smrt

Sister Death

Nakon djetinjstva obilježenog čudima Narcisa postane novakinja i počne podučavati djevojke u bivšem samostanu koji progoni uznemirujuća pojava.
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theaters Sestre

Me and My Sister

Dvije sestre s malo toga zajedničkoga zajedno provedu tri dana, koja njihovi nategnuti odnosi i suparništvo pretvore u noćnu moru.
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theaters Sestre


Kad njihovi roditelji odluče prodati kuću u kojoj su odrasle, sestre Kate i Maura prirede posljednju pijanu proslavu s prijateljima iz srednje škole.
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theaters Sestre


Tri sestre konačno se uhvate u koštac s bolnom obiteljskom prošlošću kada najstarija od njih napiše predstavu temeljenu na uspomenama na njihovo djetinjstvo u Alžiru.
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theaters Sestre Sheppard: Od ulice do medalje

Sisters on Track

U ovom dokumentarcu o odrastanju tri sestre atletičarke suočavaju se s preprekama u životu i u natjecanju, pokušavajući se kvalificirati za juniorske Olimpijske igre.
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theaters Set It Up

They know everything about their bosses. And if they use that knowledge to spark a romance, that's not totally wrong. Right?
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Meeting after many years, a makeup artist and her grandmother revisit tensions from an old family feud that still hang heavy between them.
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theaters Seulska vibra

Seoul Vibe

U danima koji prethode Olimpijskim igrama u Seoulu 1988. godine skupina vozača i mehaničara ode na tajni zadatak kako bi razbila golemi lanac pranja novca.
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theaters Seven Nights in Japan

Britanski princ otputuje u Japan, gdje mu dosadi službeni plan puta. Kad pobjegne na nekoliko dana, upozna očaravajuću turističku vodičicu.
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theaters Seventeen

A dog. A dying grandmother. A heartbroken brother. When Hector breaks out juvie, he carries a lot of baggage.
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theaters Sex: Unzipped

Rap superzvijezda Saweetie voditeljica je emisije o seksualnom zdravlju i pozitivnosti, a pomažu joj stručni edukatori, iskreni komičari i neobuzdane lutke.
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theaters Sextuplets

He just wanted to meet his birth family. What he finds are five former womb-mates who will turn his very nice life upside down.
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theaters Sezona uragana

Hurricane Season

Nakon što skupina tinejdžera pronađe leš koji pluta u kanalu, brutalna stvarnost perverznog zločina počne rasplitati skrivene tajne grada.
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theaters Sezona vjenčanja

Wedding Season

Osjećajući pritisak roditelja da nađu partnere, Asha i Ravi glume par tijekom niza ljetnih vjenčanja... no plan krene po zlu kada glumljeni osjećaji postanu stvarni.
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theaters Shabaash Mithu (Hindi)

From child prodigy to trailblazing captain, sports icon Mithali Raj navigates the highs and lows of professional cricket in this coming-of-age drama.
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theaters Shadow of the Eagle

A devoted count travels to Venice to kidnap Catherine the Great's rival to the throne, but a meeting with the charming princess derails his plan.
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theaters Shaft

Like father, like son? Like hell. It's time for this street-smart dad to show his book-smart namesake how to be one bad mother...
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theaters Shaina

A teenager struggles in the face of societal inequities. But with support from her inner circle, her talent for engineering could open a path forward.
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theaters Shaitaan

A family's getaway turns terrifying when an intruder possesses the teen daughter's body, putting her at the mercy of his increasingly sinister commands.
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theaters Shaitan

When they're blackmailed after a hit-and-run, a troubled rich girl and her wild friends stage a fake kidnapping with a plan to collect the ransom.
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theaters Shakini Dakini (Tamil)

Awkward situations abound when two women become cadets at a male-dominated police academy, but the crime they uncover may be their biggest test of all.
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