Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6238 naslova


theaters Shame Worse Than Death

At a boarding house in Cairo, the stories of seven women from different walks of life intertwine as they search for love and fight societal injustice.
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theaters Shastry Virudh Shastry

A music teacher fights an emotional legal battle to retain guardianship of his young grandson when the boy’s father insists on moving overseas with him.
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theaters Shazam!

He was searching for his biological mother. Instead, he quickly found adulthood — as a superhero.
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theaters She's French

Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje mitove, istine, stereotipove i manjkavosti u modernoj, često romantiziranoj predodžbi o „Francuskinjama”.
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theaters Shéhérazade

While seeking a way to make a living, they found each other. But to protect love and justice, one of them must pay a price.
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theaters Shehzada

After realizing he was switched at birth by a conniving father, a rakish Bantu’s life is upended when he becomes the heir to a billionaire.
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theaters Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy

Sheng Wang opušteno razgovara o sokovima, mamografiji, o tome kako je hrkanje evolucijska greška te o egzistencijalnom strahu od kupovanja hlača u jeftinim trgovinama.
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theaters Shimmer Lake

A bank heist gone wrong, small-town secrets and a trail of murders. The shocking truth can only be revealed in reverse.
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theaters Shiny Flakes: Nova generacija dilera

Shiny_Flakes: The Teenage Drug Lord

U ovoj priči koja je poslužila kao nadahnuće za seriju „Škola, internet, veze... i droga” Max S. otkriva kako je u svojoj sobi izgradio narko-carstvo.
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theaters Shirkers

Strange. Beautiful. Elusive. A would-be classic shot by inspired misfit girls. A dream stolen by a trusted older man.
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theaters Shirley

Shirley Chisholm kreće na povijesnu kampanju za demokratskog kandidata za predsjedničke izbore 1972. nakon što je postala prva Afroamerikanka izabrana za Kongres.
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theaters Show Dancer

U ovom dokumentarcu nekoć uspješan plesač pokušava se izliječiti od ovisnosti o drogama i započeti novi život nakon odsluženja zatvorske kazne.
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theaters Showtime 1958.

Showtime 1958

U ovom filmu snimljenom prema stvarnim događajima redatelj P. Ramlee organizira nastup za skupljanje sredstava za kolege umjetnike koji su izgubili poslove prije Eida.
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theaters Shrek

Osorni ogar Shrek dobije misiju spašavanja princeze od zmaja koji riga vatru i udruži se s neočekivanim suputnikom: duhovitim magarcem.
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theaters Shrek 2

Shrek i Fiona u Dalekom Dalekom Kraljevstvu objave vijest o svojem vjenčanju, no sretan svršetak mogao bi im upropastiti zlokobni plan Princa Očaravajućeg.
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theaters Shrek Treći

Shrek the Third

Dok Shrek traga za nasljednikom trona Dalekog Kraljevstva, kod kuće je na putu mali Shrek!
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theaters Shyam Singha Roy

A budding filmmaker accused of plagiarizing his movie’s story dives deep into his past and discovers a transcendental connection to the source material.
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theaters Si Accettano Miracoli

Dobivši otkaz na poslu u gradu, muškarac se vrati kući i odluči da je propusna cijev u crkvi njegova brata jedini način da spasi taj gradić koji se raspada.
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theaters Si Doel the Movie

Fourteen years after the woman he loved left him, a married man ventures to Amsterdam to find her but must decide where his heart lies.
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theaters Si Doel the Movie 2

As Sarah and her child look to settle in Jakarta, Zaenab searches for answers and gets caught between defending her marriage to Doel or letting it go.
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