Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 5659 naslova


theaters Major (Telugu)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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theaters Majstori prevare

Lords of Scam

Ovaj dokumentarac prati uspon i pad prevaranata koji su zeznuli sustav kvota za ugljikov dioksid EU-a i namaknuli milijune prije nego što su se okrenuli jedni na druge.
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theaters Make Me a Match

U Jeruzalemu bračne posrednice balansiraju kulturne tradicije i suvremeni život pokušavajući pomoći klijentima da pronađu savršene partnere.
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theaters Making It Up

Ana and Rita are flat broke. So when unpredictable Alex offers them a job, they kind of have to say yes — to the gig and to a big ol' mess.
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theaters Making Unorthodox

A look at the making of one of the first series to authentically portray and explore issues in a Hasidic community as they pertain to women's lives.
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theaters Mako

Visiting the site of a sunken passenger ship, eight divers face a terrifying threat beneath the surface of the Red Sea. Inspired by real events.
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theaters Maktub

They cracked skulls and collected debts. Then they got a sign from God and decided to do good. Heaven help us all.
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theaters Mala pljačka Velikog Nunua

Big Nunu's Little Heist

Bivši vojnik, sada dostavljač, slučajno se spetlja s nesposobnom bandom lokalnog krimi bosa i mora im pomoći izvesti odvažnu pljačku u zloglasnom južnoafričkom gradu.
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theaters Malá ríša

Little Kingdom

Zaljubljeni vojnik tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata dezertira iz vojske nadajući se da će se vratiti ženi, ali dočekaju ga samo nove prepreke na njihovu putu ka sreći.
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theaters Malaal

Feelings draw them together. Realities keep them apart. In this city of glaring differences, does blind love stand a chance?
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theaters Malahijina uvala

Malachi's Cove

Žilava mlada Mally krpa kraj s krajem skupljajući morsku travu na obalama Cornwalla. Kad joj na plažu upadne mjesni dječak, uplaši se da joj je izvor prihoda ugrožen.
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theaters Malang

Broken hearts. Buried demons. In this tale of fated love and bitter revenge, everyone wants payback for their pain.
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theaters Malbatt: Misi Bakara

In this film based on real-life events, the Malaysian Battalion sets out on a mission to help save US troops who are cornered in the Battle of Mogadishu.
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theaters Malci


Otputuj natrag kroz vrijeme s Kevinom, Stuartom i Bobom u ovom prednastavku koji prati Malce dok se pokušavaju umiliti superzlikovki Scarlet Overkill.
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theaters Malci 2: Kako je Gru postao Gru

Minions: The Rise of Gru

Odbačen od strane svojih idola superzlikovaca, 12-godišnji Gru odluči dokazati svoju groznu prirodu uz pomoć nespretne ekipe Malaca.
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theaters Malcolm i Marie

Malcolm & Marie

Njemu se smiješi holivudska slava. Ona mu je pomogla u usponu. Jedna burna noć ispitat će granice njihove ljubavi.
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theaters Male žene

Little Women

Raised by a strong-willed mother, sisters Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy share growing pains, family tragedies and personal aspirations in 19th-century America.
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theaters Male žene

Little Women

Determined to make her own way in the 1860s, a writer looks back at the tough yet tender times spent with her three spirited sisters and a close chum.
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theaters Mali Jakub

Little Jacob

On je nepozvani gost u nečijem domu. No ovaj će mu stranac pomoći da se suoči s bolnim uspomenama koje je potisnuo.
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theaters Mali lajavac

Little Big Mouth

Ostavši bez benda i doma, zaigrani gitarist utočište nađe kod računovotkinje, njezina sina i oca. Mogu li zajedno raditi sjajnu glazbu?
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theaters Mali šef

The Boss Baby

Klinac se nađe u središtu opake korporacijske spletke nakon što roditelji kući dovedu bebu koja, kad njih nema, govori samo o poslu.
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theaters Mallesham

He wanted to create a new way to preserve a traditional art form. But first, he had to reinvent himself.
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