ondemand_video Best of The Great Indian Kapil Show
Revisit the laughs, merrymaking and heartwarming moments from Kapil’s stage with his gang of celebrity guests.
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Revisit the laughs, merrymaking and heartwarming moments from Kapil’s stage with his gang of celebrity guests.
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Three days till high school. One chance to meet their hero. So many ways their brilliant plan could go wrong.
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A colonial curse. A modern-day massacre. It’s the undead past versus the unscrupulous present – and no one’s escaping unscathed.
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She is better than all the generations of robots that came before her. She might even be better than humans.
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The adults in Pretty Lake die. Those under age 22 live. But no one can leave town. Now what do you do?
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To protect her sister and save her family from ruin, a selfless woman navigates an arranged marriage with a wealthy man who hides dark secrets.
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A tenacious boy hijacks the World Beyblade Battle Association’s broadcast to challenge every Beyblader to battle him in the Dynamite Battle System.
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After training with legendary Valt Aoi, Dante and his trusty Ace Dragon lead the next generation of Bladers to battle in Japan — Beyblade's birthplace.
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It's about to get extreme! An amateur Blader teams up with a mysterious ex-champion, and together they aim for the pinnacle of the X Tower.
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As a killing resembling a cold case resurfaces in a small town, the chase for the truth falls on two policemen who each harbor secrets of their own.
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Secrets from the "Stranger Things 2" universe are revealed as cast and guests discuss the latest episodes with host Jim Rash. Caution: spoilers ahead!
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Strastveni tim zdravstvenih djelatnika predan je spašavanju života u užurbanoj javnoj bolnici u kojoj im puls ubrzavaju napetost i romanse.
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Divlji hormoni, neposlušna tijela i nelagodne romanse... Pubertet dolazi. I prava je zvijer.
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U ovoj dokuseriji gledamo kako je snalažljivi startup za elektroničke cigarete postao tvrtka vrijedna milijarde dolara... no zbog epidemije joj je uspjeh nestao u dimu.
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U ovoj napetoj seriji opasna se bolest brzo širi, no to nije što prijeti ovim preživjelima.
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Čovjek u potrazi za istinom o smrti svoje žene uplete se u opasnu mrežu tajni i intrige koja se proteže od New Yorka do Tel Aviva.
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Bliska trojka vlada užurbanim barriom u Ciudad de Méxicu sve dok neočekivana tragedija ne preokrene situaciju naglavačke i dovede do suparništva između dvojice od njih.
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He's a science guy. An entertainer. A spiffy dresser. And he's back to drop some knowledge on 13 life-changing topics.
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Najnagrađivaniji prvak NBA lige i ikona borbe za građanska prava Bill Russell u ovom biografskom dokumentarcu gradi veličanstveno nasljeđe i na parketu i izvan njega.
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Tragično razdvojeni par mora pronaći jedno drugo u drugom životu kako bi raskinuo čaroliju bačenu na njihov gradić, u kojemu se nitko ne može zaljubiti.
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Dvije sestre i brat, umorni od svojih monotonih, beznačajnih odraslih života, pokušavaju u njih unijeti smisao i slobodu.
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Studentica medicine traži odgovore. Legendarna liječnica igra se Boga. Eksperimentiranje s istinom može biti kobno.
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Coerced into divorce by her cheating husband. A suspicious crash that almost kills her. Enough is enough!
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After witnessing a murder at a prestigious high school, a girl from a low-income family is given the chance to attend the school to keep her quiet.
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Roditelji su im nestali i dom im je uništen. Nemoćni su protiv čudovišta kaiju, sve dok ne pronađu robotski jaeger.
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Od jezivih izdaja do planova za ubojstvo, ova dokumentarna o istinitim zločinima istražuje mračnu stranu ljubavi kroz svjedočanstva očevidaca.
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Utrkujući se protiv vremena, slavni natjecatelji očajnički pokušavaju nadmudriti lovce u crnom kako bi osvojili veliku novčanu nagradu.
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Two cops who are as different as night and day must team up in a case involving the highest rungs of the government, military and law enforcement.
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Two orphans raised as brothers become rivals as they vie for the title of Wizard King, the highest magical rank in the land.
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Power. Justice. Race. Inequality. Genocide. Colonialism. The law. One Rwandan adoptee learns atrocity hides many lies.
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