Sve serije dostupne na Netflixu: 2738 naslova


ondemand_video Bebefinn

Join baby Finn and his family on fun-filled adventures while learning something new every time. Get ready to sing and dance!
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ondemand_video Beckham

Ova dokumentarna serija, koja sadrži dosad neviđene snimke, prati strmoglavi uspon Davida Beckhama, od skromnih početaka do svjetske nogometne slave.
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ondemand_video Becoming Abi

A driven young creative in Lagos lands her dream job at a leading advertising agency and navigates the corporate ladder in hopes of making it big.
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ondemand_video Belascoarán

Belascoarán, PI

Héctor Belascoarán napusti svoj korporativni posao i dosadan brak kako bi postao privatni detektiv i rješavao šokantne zločine u Méxicu 1970-ih.
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ondemand_video Below Deck

As staff on a luxury yacht, a young crew navigates life at sea as workplace romances, demanding guests and waves of drama threaten their happy voyage.
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ondemand_video Ben 10

An average kid and his grandpa. Add in a mysterious watch with magic morphing powers for one fun, fantastical adventure.
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ondemand_video Berlin

U danima svoje najveće slave Berlin okupi bandu u Parizu da izvede jedan od svojih najvećih planova ikada: krađu dragulja vrijednih 44 milijuna eura u jednoj noći.
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ondemand_video Berserk

A wandering, sword-wielding mercenary joins a charismatic leader in his ruthless pursuit of glory and recognition in this epic medieval tale.
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ondemand_video Beskrajna noć

The Endless Night

Kada u požaru u noćnom klubu poginu 242 osobe, roditelji žrtava mogu samo tugovati... i izboriti se za pravdu.
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ondemand_video Beskrajna noć

Endless Night

Želeći pobjeći od dosade života u predgrađu, povučena 17-godišnjakinja sprijatelji se sa skupinom tinejdžera koji uzimaju drogu koja im omogućuje da sanjaju budni.
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ondemand_video Betaal

A colonial curse. A modern-day massacre. It’s the undead past versus the unscrupulous present – and no one’s escaping unscathed.
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ondemand_video Between Lands

To protect her sister and save her family from ruin, a selfless woman navigates an arranged marriage with a wealthy man who hides dark secrets.
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ondemand_video Big Vape: Uspon i pad Juula

Big Vape: The Rise and Fall of Juul

U ovoj dokuseriji gledamo kako je snalažljivi startup za elektroničke cigarete postao tvrtka vrijedna milijarde dolara... no zbog epidemije joj je uspjeh nestao u dimu.
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